Book Title: Agam 44 Chulika 01 Nandi Sutra English Translation
Author(s): Dipratnasagar, Deepratnasagar
Publisher: Deepratnasagar

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Page 131
________________ Nandi Sootra Sthana-4 - This chapter lists and describes things that exist in groups of four or popularly expressed in fours. e.g. chaturyam dharma (the religion with four basic vows), four types of man, etc. There are seven hundred such quadruplets. Sthana-5 - This chapter lists and describes things that exist in groups of five or popularly expressed in fives. e.g. five great vows, five samitis, five gatis, five sense organs, etc. Sthana-6 - This chapter lists and describes things that exist in groups of six or popularly expressed in sixes. e.g. beings with six types of bodies, six leshyas (mental states represented by six hues of colours), six virtues of a gani (group leader), six fundamental substances, six eras of a cycle of time, etc. Sthana-7 - This chapter lists and describes things that exist in groups of seven or popularly expressed in sevens. e.g. seven signs of an omniscient, seven signs of an ignorant, seven musical nodes, seven types of vinaya (modesty), etc. Sthana-8 - This chapter lists and describes things that exist in groups of eight or popularly expressed in eights. e.g. eight vibhaktis (inflections in Sanskrit grammar); eight observable instructions, etc. Sthana-9 - This chapter lists and describes things that exist in groups of two or popularly expressed in twos. e.g. nine fencings for continence, nine individuals of Bhagavan Mahavir's era who earned the Tirthankar-nam-karma etc. Sthana-10 - This chapter lists and describes things that exist in groups of two or popularly expressed in twos. e.g. ten chitta samadhi(the state of deep meditation), ten interpretations of dreams, ten types of truth, ten types of lies, ten types of mixed speech, etc. As Sthanang Sutra compiles well classified information about numerous subjects it has been accepted as a very useful encyclopedia. or popavan Maana 4. SAMVAYANG SUTRA [142] MEANING-Question - What is this Samvayang Sutra Answer - In Samvayang Sutra samashrayan (right substantiation) of jiva (being) has been done; samashrayan (right substantiation) of ajiva (non-being or matter) has been done; samashrayan (right substantiation) of jivaajiva (being and matter) has been done; samashrayan (right substantiation)! of sva-mat or Jain principles has been done; samashrayan (right substantiation) of par-mat or principles of other schools has!. Been done; samashrayan (right substantiation) of sva-par-mati orprinciples of both these has been done; samashrayan (right; substantiation) of lok inhabited space) has been done; samashrayan (right substantiation) of alok (uninhabited space! or the space beyond) has been done; samashrayan (right; substantiation) of lokalok inhabited and un-inhabited space) has been done. In Samvayang Sutra bhavas (attitudes, feelings, or thoughts) have been substantiated in ascending order from one to hundred. Also samashrayan of a brief introduction of twelvecanons has been done. Samvayang Sutra has limited vachana (readings, lessons, compilations, editions). It has countable Anuyogadwar, countable verses, countable couplets, countable niryukti (parsing), countable sangrahanis, and countable pratipattis. This Samvayang Sutra is fourth among the Angas. It has one shrutskandha (part), 1 chapter, 1 uddeshan kaai, and 1 samuddeshan kaal. Measured in pad (sentence units) it has one lac fourty four thousand pad. It has countable alphabets, infinite gum (meanings) and infinite paryaya (variations). It has descriptions of limited Aagam- 44 -NandiSootra ~ 131 - Compiled by- Deepratnasagar


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