Book Title: Agam 44 Chulika 01 Nandi Sutra English Translation
Author(s): Dipratnasagar, Deepratnasagar
Publisher: Deepratnasagar

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Page 136
________________ NandiSootra are devoted to the antakrit Kewalis belonging to the period of influence of Bhagavan; Mahavir. The stories of life of 90 such great souls are included in this; work. 9. ANUTTARAUPAPATIKDASHKSUTRA [147] MEANING-Question - What is this Anuttaraupapatik-dasha Sutra? Answer - In Anuttaraupapatik-dasha Sutra topics like cities, gardens, chaityas, forests, samavasarans, kings, parents, religious leaders, religious tales, special powers acquired during this birth and others, renouncing mundane indulgences, initiation, modes or variations, study of shrut, observation of austerities, ultimate vow, bhakt pratyakhyan, paadopagaman, reincarnation in anuttar celestial vehicles, again rebirth in good family, again getting enlightened, and last rites, etc. related to the Anuttaraupapatiks (those who could not completely destroy karmas after getting initiated and as a consequence reincarnated in the anuttar celestial vehicles) have beendiscussed. Anuttaraopapatik-dasha has limited vachana (readings, lessons, compilations, editions). It has countable anuyogadwar, countable Verses, countable couplets, countable niryukti, (parsing), countable sangrahanis, and countablepratipattis. This Anuttaraupapatik-dasha Sutra is ninth among the Angas."It has one Shrutskandha (part), 3 Vargas (sections), 3 uddeshan kaal, 3 samuddeshan kaal. Measured in pad (sentence units) it has countable thousand pads. It has countable alphabets, infinite gum (meanings) and infinite paryaya (variations). It has descriptions of limited number of mobile beings, and infinite immobile beings. Established with the helpof shashvat (eternal or fundamental), knit (created or experimented) and natural evidences, the tenets of the Jina have been stated (akhyayit), propagated (prajnapit), detailed (prarupit), explained (with the help of metaphors) (darshit), clarified (with the help of examples) (nidarshit), and simplified (with the help of discourse style) (upadarshit). It has been presented in such charan-karan style that if a person is engrossed in its studies, he becomes a scholar and an expert of the subject. This concludes the description of Anuttaraupapatik-dasha Sutra. COMMENTARY -Anuttar means unique, that which is one of its kind, or the best. In the dimensions of gods the celestial vehicles belonging to 22nd to 26th dimensions are called anuttar celestial vehicles. Those who are born in these vehicles are called the Anuttarattpapatik gods. In this sutra are included 33 such souls that reincarnated in these vehicles. Anuttaraupapattk-dasha Sutra has three sections. First section has 10 chapters, second has 13, and third also has 10. Of the 33 souls described in this, 23 were the sons of king Shremk. All these great men lofty spiritual practices during their life time. As a result of this, they earned the karmas that will lead them to liberation just after one incarnation as human beings. Besides the inspiring stories of their lives, included in this work are procedures ofmany effective spiritual practices like - study of shrut, austerities, accepting pratima, tolerating afflictions, ultimate vow, etc. All the examples in this work are written in an inspiring style. 10. PRASHNAVYAKARAN SUTRA [148] MEANING-Question - What is this Prashnavyakaran Sutra? Answer - In Prashnavyakaran Sutra there are 108 prashnas (which when asked give indications about good or bad with reference to the question); 108 Aagam- 44 -NandiSootra ~ 136 Compiled by- Deepratnasagar


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