Book Title: Agam 09 Ang 09 Anuttaropapatikdasha Sutra English Translation
Author(s): Dipratnasagar, Deepratnasagar
Publisher: Deepratnasagar

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________________ AnuttaropapaatikDasha- Ang-09 - Varga-1, Chapter 1 Arya Jambu said--"Bhante! Since Bhagavan Mahavir has mentioned ten chapters in the first Varg, kindly tell me the meaning of the first chapter as mentioned by Him." Sudharma said "Jambu! At that time during thatperiod there was a city called Rajagriha. It was prosperousand famous for trade and business. Gunsheelak Chaitya was situated there. Shrenik was its ruler and Dharini was his wife. Once queen Dharini saw a lion in thedream. In due course she gave birth to a son Jali Kumar. Like Megh Kumar, Jali Kumar was also married to eight damsels. They got dowry in counts of eight.' [***In chapter one of Jnata-dharma katha is the detailed description of Megh Kumar's marriage. Details here should also be taken as same. ***], (eighty million gold coins, eighty million silver coins, etc.) Thereafter, Jali Kumar started spending his life in the palace enjoying all the pleasures of a married life. Once Bhagavan Mahavir came to Rajagrilla. King Shrenik came to have his darshan. Jali Kumar also camethere like Megh Kumar and listened to his spiritualdiscourse. He accepted initiation near Bhagavan Mahavirafter obtaining permission of his parents. He learnt eleven Anga Sutras from experienced and learned monks (Sthavir). He did Gun-ratna-Samvatsar chain of fasts like Skandak Saint.' [***This austerity has been described in detail in Antakrid-dasha Sutra, chapter 1***] The detail of his meditation and inquiries may be understood identical to that of Skandak. He went to Vipulgiri hill with other monks. The only difference is thatJali Kumar led the ascetic life for sixteen years. After end of this life-span, swiftly passing the areas of the Kalpopanaangels and nine Graiveyaks, he was re-born in Vijay Viman, which is an Anuttar Viman. Then the monks present, finding that monk Jali haddied, performed silent meditation in this context. Thereafter, they climbed down Vipulgiri with pots and clothes of Jali Kumar and came near Bhagavan Mahavir. They greeted the Lord and said "Bhante! Your disciple Jali Kumar has died after observing Santhara as prescribed. He was gentle, humble, quiet, almost completelyfree from anger, ego, deceit and greed. He had humility and simplicity. He fully controlled the activities of his senseorgans. Here are his pots and clothes." Then Gautam Swami greeted the Lord and asked-- Gautam Swami inquired—"Bhante! Your disciple Saint Jali was extremely gentle. He has since died. Where has he been re-born?" Bhagavan Mahavir replied—"Gautam! My disciple monk Jali had accepted with my permission five great vows followed them strictly as prescribed and at the end died in Santhara (the process followed in state of consciousness before death). He reincarnated in great Viman known as Vijay which is much higher than Sun and Moon." Gautam asked—"Bhante! For how many years he shall remain there?" Bhagavan Mahavir said "Gautam! His life-span is thirty two Sagaropam." Gautam inquired—"After life-span as an angel where shall Jali be re-born?" Bhagavan Mahavir replied—"Gautam! He shall be re born in Mahavideh and attain salvation from there." Conclusion, the above is the detailed meaning of first chapter of the first Varg of Anuttaraupapatik-dasha asmentioned by Bhagavan Mahavir. Aagam - 09 - Anuttaropapaatik Compiled by - Deepratnasagar


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