Book Title: Agam 09 Ang 09 Anuttaropapatikdasha Sutra English Translation
Author(s): Dipratnasagar, Deepratnasagar
Publisher: Deepratnasagar

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________________ ANUTTAROPAPAATIKDASHA (Meaning with Commentary) varga (part)-1 - Thereafter, in thies of thirty three meir past Kar - O Gist of the Chapter: Antakrid-dasha Sutra is eighth Anga among eleven Anga Sutras. It contains life-story of ninety great saints who attained liberation from the vicious circle of life and death. Thereafter, in the ninth Anga Sutra-Anuttaraupapatik-dasha Sutra the conduct and superb austerities of thirty three great men has been discussed in brief who by their exemplary conduct destroyed their past Karmas to a great extent but not completely. As such they could not attain liberation from life and death in that very life. They had to be reborn in Anuttar Viman—the abode of extremely super class of angels. This Sutra has three Vargs (Parts). In first part there are ten chapters. Each of the ten chapters describes the life-story of one spiritual seeker. In the ten chapters of the first Varg, the life of ten sons of king Shrenik has been narrated. They discarded the royal enjoyments in the very youth and accepted initiation near Bhagavan Mahavir. They went through many austerities and purified their soul. In this part, there are no separate detailed descriptions of each ascetic but the life of all the ten is described in brief. Chapter (Adhyayan) -1- Jaali minoriha. Arya Sudharm the discourse thecongregde of conduct. Once came [1] Meaning. At that time (the last part of the fourth epoch of there gressive cycle of time) during that period (when Arya Sudharma was alive), there was a city called Rajagriha. Arya Sudharma came there. People came to see him and tolisten to his spiritual discourse.' After the discourse thecongregation dispersed. Jambu Swami was with Sudharma Swami observing his ascetic code of conduct. Once came near Arya Sudharma Swami, bowed to him with respect and inquired "Bhante! I have grasped the meaning of the eighth Anga-Antagad-dasha as explained by Shraman Bhagavan Mahavir. Now please tell me what is the meaning of this ninth Anga-Anuttaraupapatik-dasha Sutra?" Sudharma Swami said "Jambu ! Shraman Bhagavan Mahavir has narrated Anuttraupapatik-dasha Sutra inthree Vargs (Parts)." Jambu said---"Bhante ! How many chapters are in the first part as described by Bhagavan Mahavir ?"Sudharma Swami said-----"Jambu! Bagavan Mahavir has mentioned ten chapters in the first Varg. They are as under (1) Jali Kumar, (2) Mayali Kumar, (3) Uvayali Kumar, (4) Purushsen Kumar (5) VarishenKumar, (6) Deerghdant Kumar(7) Lashtdantkumar,(8) Vehalla Kumar, (9) Vehayas Kumar, and (10) Abhay Kumar." Aagam - 09 - Anuttaropapaatik Compiled by - Deepratnasagar


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