Book Title: Agam 09 Ang 09 Anuttaropapatikdasha Sutra English Translation
Author(s): Dipratnasagar, Deepratnasagar
Publisher: Deepratnasagar

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________________ AnuttaropapaatikDasha- Ang-09 - Varga-3, Chapter 1 The main point of difference as compared to Jamali is that Dhanya Kumar after hearing spiritual discourseof Bhagavan Mahavir, requested him" Devanupriya! I want to get initiated near you after obtaining permission of my mother Bhadra." After returning to his house, he talked to his mother in the same manner as Jamali had done to seek permission for initiation. Mother Bhadra fainted due to her deep attachment for her son when she heard the request of Dhanya Kumar. When she regained her senses there was detailed dialogue between Bhadra and Dhanya, wherein she referred to him hardships in monkhood and gave several reasons for the same. When Bhadra found that she was unable to change mind of his son as had been in case of Mahabal Kumar, she gave him permission to get initiated. Just as Thavachchaputra's mother had sought permission of Krishna Vasudev for the initiation ceremonyof her son, and borrowed Chhatra and Chamar (umbrella and whisk). Bhadra sought the same from king Jitshatru.Just as Krishna Vasudev himself arranged for the initiationceremony of Thavachchaputra with great pomp and show, in the same way, king Jitshatru arranged initiation of Dhanyakumar at state expense. After initiation, Dhanya Kumar became an ascetic. He followed all precautions (Vivek) relating to moving about (Iriya Samiti) and other ascetic activities. He silently followed all the vows with great care. Commentary: -- In the present Sutra, the description is extremely brief and special occasions are referred to as the same as had been in the case of certain persons already mentioned in this or other context). Dhanya Kumar's going to Bhagavan Mahavir for his darshan is referred to as similar to that of Konik. The detailed description of the manner in which king Konik went to Bhagavan Mahavir can be seen in Uvavayee Sutra where the description is detailed and interesting. It touches the very heart. The description of Jamali Kumar is in Bhagavati Sutra, Shatak 9, Uddeshak 33 and the pomp and show with which Dhanya Kumar left his house is similar to that of prince Jamali. The detailed description of Mahabal Kumar is in Bhagavati Sutra, Shatak 11, Uddeshak 11. The initiation of Thavachchaputra is mentioned in chapter 5 of Jnata Sutra. This description is interesting, so it is reproduced here. The account of marriage celebration and the journey for initiation is mentioned at Antakrid-dasha Mahima also. Readers can see it from there. Meaning- Thereafter, on very day when ascetic Dhanya accepted initiation, he came to Bhagavan Mahavir, bowed to him in respect and said—"Bhante! With your permission, I want to observe twoday's fast regularly till my last breath and on the day ofbreaking the fast, I want to do Ayambil. Thus, I want to uplift my soul with such austerities. At the time of conclusion of each two day fast, it shall be my vow to observe Ayambil that day and not otherwise. And that too with a resolve to accept food only from hands be smeared with food (Sansrisht hands) and not otherwise,to accept food that has lost its taste (Ujjhit food) and not otherwise, to accept food that has been refused by many monks of other faith (Ajivik etc.), Brahmins, guests, destitute and even by beggars." Then, Bhagavan Mahavir said "O the blessed! You may do as you wish but don't delay it." Aagam - 09 - Anuttaropapaatik Compiled by - Deepratnasagar [11]


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