Book Title: Agam 08 Ang 08 Antkruddasha Sutra English Translation
Author(s): Dipratnasagar, Deepratnasagar
Publisher: Deepratnasagar

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Page 43
________________ Antakrud-Dasha-Ang-08 - varga-6, Chapter-3 on revering Mudgarapani deity, considering as my favourite god. After its reverence, I carry on my business. Had there been deity Mudgarapani really present, would he remain silent seeing me in such a tyranny? Therefore deity Mudgarapani is not present here. It is only a puppet of wood. Knowing such types of mental thoughts of Arjuna garland-maker deity Mudgarapani entered in his body and shattered off his bonds. Then Arjuna garland-maker, possessed by deity Mudgarapani took hold of that iron mace weighing one thousand palas (about 57 kilogram heavy) holding in his hand moved round and killed those six gangsters, along with his wife Bandhumati, by its strokes. Thus killing those seven persons, that Arjuna garland-maker possessed by deity Mudgarapani, began to move round about external boundary of Rajagraha city killing six men and one women everyday.. [...27] Meaning At that time, at the triangular paths, highways and all other open places of Rajagraha city many people used to say to one another-O beloved as gods !garlandMaker Arjuna, being possessed by deity Mudgarapani, is murdering six men and one women-thus seven persons daily, moving outside the city Rajagrha. When king Srenika came to know about this, then he called his chamberlains and ordered them O beloved of gods! Arjuna garland-maker, wandering outside Rajagraha city is murdering 7 persons-six men and one woman everyday. Therefore you announce my order by these words which no one should go out of city for taking grass, wood, fuel, water and flowers, fruits etc. If any body goes out of the city, it is possible that his body may be destroyed i.e. he may be murdered. O beloved of gods! Thus announce this declaration twice and thrice in whole city and report to me soon. Then those chamberlains announced the royal mandate twice and thrice wandering in the whole city and reported to king that his order had been carried out. In that city Rajagraha lived a richman named Sudarsana. He was too much wealthy and could not be surpassed by any one. He was worshipper of sages and well-versed in elements like soul and non-soul etc., giver of pure food-water etc., to monks. At that time and at that period Bhagavana Mahavira, wandering village to village, arrived in city Rajagrha and stayed in the garden situated outside of the city. Having heard of the information about arrival of Bhagavana, the numerous citizens of Rajagrha city gathering at triangular ways and highways said thus to one another-O beloveds as gods) Shramana Bhagavana Mahavira has arrived here. By hearing his name only one gets the fruits of great merit, then by seeing him, hearing his discouse and accepting the doctrines preached by him the fruit one gets, what to say about that? (That cannot be described). [27] Commentary: - In the introduction of Sudarsana words are given in original text abhigaye jivajive java viharai. By these words should be understood the life and conduct of course-holders as described in Bhagawati Sutra (2/5). The special religious faculties are to be considered deeply. These are as follows and Sudarsana Sresthi was opulent with all these qualities. Aagam - 08 - Antakrud-dasha Compiled by - Deepratnasagar [42]


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