Book Title: Agam 08 Ang 08 Antkruddasha Sutra English Translation
Author(s): Dipratnasagar, Deepratnasagar
Publisher: Deepratnasagar

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Page 49
________________ Antakrud-Dasha-Ang-08 - varga-6, Chapter 12 Antakrud-Dasha-Ang-08 - varga-6, Chapter-12 [36] Meaning Similar is description of trader Sumanabhadra. Excepting; he was inhabitant of Sravasti. He practiced sage order for many years and was liberated at Vipulagiri. Antakrud-Dasha-Ang-08 - varga-6, Chapter-13 [37] Meaning Similar is the case of trader Supratistha. He was inhabitant of Sravasti city. After practicing sagehood upto twenty seven years, he was liberated at Vipulagiri. Antakrud-Dasha-Ang-08 - varga-6, Chapter 14 [38] Meaning The same is the description of Megha trader. Excepting; he was inhabitant of Rajagrha. He practiced sage conduct for many years and attained salvation at Vipulagiri. Antakrud-Dasha-Ang-08 - varga-6, Chapter 15 -Atimuktak [39] Meaning Shree Jambu Swami asked in polite words-O Bhagawan! I have heard the subject matter of fourteen chapters. In fifteenth chapter was Bhagavana had described, please tell me. Arya Sudharma Swami began to narrate-0 Jambu! At that time at and at that period, there was a city named Polaspura. There was a garden, named Shreevana. King Vijaya ruled there. His queen was Shreedevi. She was describable Atimukta was their son, who was tender, beautiful and worthy to be seen. At that time and at that period Shramana Bhagavana Mahavira wandering village to village arrived there and stayed in Shreevana garden. At that time and at that period, the eldest disciple of Shramana Bhagavana Mahavira. Indrabhuti (as described in Bhagavati Sutra, on the day of breking of two days' fast he used to go for seeking alms with the permission of Bhagavana, such should be known here) began to wander in high-low-middle class houses of Polasapura city for seeking alms. At same time prince Atimuktakumara after taking bath until anointing his body, surrounded by many little boys, girls, lads, lasses, youths-maidens came out of his house, reached Indrasthana-play ground and began to play various types of games. At that time Reverend Gautama seeking alms from high-low-iddle class families of Polasapura city was passing near that play-ground. Then watching him, passing nearby Atmuktakumara quickly came to Gautama Swami and said-o reverend sir! Who are you and why are you wandering like this? Then Reverend Gautama replied to Atimuktakumara in this sweet words-O beloved of gods! We are sages, non-attached monks, heedful in walking and fully celebate. I am wandering in high-low-middle class families for alms Aagam - 08 - Antakrud-dasha Compiled by - Deepratnasagar [48]


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