6.4 Yoga, Health and Spirituality
Yoga is one of the most extraordinary posture of the body, one can discipline the spiritual sciences that man has ever mind. The untamed mind is like a monkey discovered. Yoga methods cover the entire jumping from one thought to another, field of our existence - from the physical, completely absorbed in the outer world and sensory, emotional, mental and spiritual restless. By disciplining the mind, one is to the highest Self-realization. It includes able to follow the principle of “Ahimsä”, all methods - ethical disciplines, physical or non-violence in thoughts, words and postures, breath control, sensory methods, deeds not only towards other human beings, affirmation and visualization, prayers and but also towards all living creatures, and mantras, and meditation.
towards the self. The system of classical yoga was compiled Yoga postures and äsanas exercise every part by a great sage Patanjali in the Yoga Sutras. It of the body, stretching and toning muscles is the path of Self Control and Meditation and joints, the spine and the entire skeletal
system. It also works on internal organs, For thousands of years, Jains have been
glands and nerves, keeping all the systems practicing Yoga to unite the mind, body and
in good health. Breathing exercises known spirit. Yoga develops a strong, healthy and flexible body - a weak and tired body is a
as pränäyama revitalize the body and help hindrance towards spiritual progress. By
control the mind, leaving you calm and
refreshed, while the practice of positive training the breath along with the steady
thinking and meditation gives increased clarity of thought, increased memory, mental power and concentration. With regular practice of yoga, one becomes aware of a subtle change in their approach to life - for through persistently toning and
relaxing the body and stilling the mind, precursor to
you begin to glimpse a state of inner peace,
which is your true nature. This is the selfmeditation, and realization that we are seeking, and towards
which we are gradually evolving. If you can essential for the
bring your mind and thoughts under control purification of there is no limit to what you can do - since
it is our illusion that holds us back and the soul.
prevents us from fulfilling our true nature. The following exercises are a workout routine for the entire body.
Did you know?
Yoga is a