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5, 3, 220] In the Bandhanānuyogadvāra, the description of the variety of embodied and disembodied beings [747
There is no alpa-bahutva (diversity of states) among the avagatavedī (those who have abandoned sensations) and akasāyī (those who have abandoned passions) [208]. Since there is only one pada (state) possible for the avagatavedī and akasāyī jīvas, there is no alpa-bahutva.
By the ñānānuvādeṇa (exposition of knowledge), the description of the mati-ajñānī (those with sensory knowledge) and śruta-ajñānī (those with scriptural knowledge) is like the ogha (flood) [209].
Among the vihangajñānīs (those with clairvoyant knowledge), the caturśarīrā (four-bodied) are the least, the trisarīrā (three-bodied) are innumerable times more [210-211].
In the ābhinibodhika-jñānī, śruta-jñānī and avadhi-jñānī, the description is like the pañcendriya-paryāptaka (those endowed with five senses) [212].
Among the manaḥparyaya-jñānīs, the caturśarīrā are the least, the trisarīrā are innumerable times more [213-214].
In the kevalajñānīs, there is no alpa-bahutva (diversity of states) [215].
By the saṃyamānuvādeṇa (exposition of restraint), the description of the saṃyata, sāmāyika-cchedopasthāpanā-śuddha-saṃyata, and manaḥparyaya-jñānīs is the same [216].
There is no alpa-bahutva (diversity of states) among the parihāra-śuddha-saṃyata, sūkṣma-sāmparāyika-śuddha-saṃyata, and yathākhyāta-vihāra-śuddha-saṃyata [217].
The description of the saṃyatāsaṃyatā is like the vihangajñānīs [218].
The description of the asaṃyata and acakṣu-darśanī is like the ogha (flood) [219].
By the leśyānuvādeṇa, the kṛṣṇa-leśyā, nīla-leśyā, and kāpota-leśyā, and by the bhavya-anuvādeṇa, the bhavasiddhiyā and abhava-siddhiyā are like the ogha (flood) [220].