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Veṇākhaṇḍa of the Ṣaṭkhaṇḍāgama
[4, 1, 70]
Its [the body's] creation-destruction activity is present because, at that time, both the arrival and the depletion of the skandhas of that body are seen simultaneously. And the production of the subsequent body and its entry into the original body is the destruction activity of the original body of the deva and the naraki, because, at that time, the arrival of the skandhas of that body does not occur.
Similarly, in the first instance of the production of the āhāra-śarīra, its creation activity, in the second and subsequent instances, its creation-destruction activity, and upon its entry into the original body, its destruction activity should be known. Whatever is the name of the tejas-karma-śarīra-mūla-karaṇa-kriyā, that is of two types - destruction activity and creation-destruction activity. That is all tejas-karma-śarīra-mūla-karaṇa-kriyā. || 70 ||
The destruction activity of these two bodies is present in the ayoga-kevali. The reason for this is that, due to the absence of their yoga, bondage has been completely destroyed. Except for the ayoga-kevali, all other worldly beings have the creation-destruction activity of these two bodies, because, in the world, both their arrival and depletion are found. The creation activity of these two bodies is not possible, because, due to the absence of bondage, sattva, and udaya, the possibility of the causes of bondage does not remain for the siddha beings, so the new bondage of these two bodies is not possible for them. All these are tejas-śarīra and karma-śarīra-rupa mūla-karaṇa-kriyā, it should be known.
In this way, having described the sattva of the mūla-karaṇa-kriyā through the above sūtras, now the description of the uttara-karaṇa-kriyā is done.
Whatever is the name of the uttara-karaṇa-kriyā, that is of many types. For example - asi, vāsi, paraśu, kudārī, chakra, daṇḍa, vema, nālikā, śalākā, mṛttikā, sūtra, and udaka, etc., are used in general activities. || 71 ||
Because they are the cause of all other karana, asi and vāsi, etc., should be understood as uttara-karaṇa.
Audārika, etc., five bodies remain with the jīva, therefore they are considered mūla-karaṇa. Because they are caused by them, they should be understood as uttara-karaṇa. That uttara-karaṇa-kriyā is of many types.
Those that take refuge in dravya are called upasampada, i.e., activity. The name of their proximity is upasampada-sānidhya, therefore, asi, vāsi, paraśu, kudārī, chakra, daṇḍa, vema, nālikā, śalākā, mṛttikā, sūtra, and udaka, etc., are called uttara-karaṇa due to the refuge of the proximity of these activities.