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**4. Chautthe Khande Veyanamahadhiyare Kadianiyogaddaram**
**The creation and suffering, etc., twenty-four Anuyoga-doors, their nature, Maha-karma-prakriti, etc., at the beginning, the auspiciousness done by Sri Gautama Ganadhara, from there, Bhagavan Bhutbali Bhattaraka, establishing here at the beginning of the suffering Maha-adhikarya, first of all, salutes the Jinas.**
**Namo Jinananam ||1|| Salutations to the Jinas ||1||**
Jinas are of four types, based on name, establishment, substance, and emotion. Among them, the word 'Jina' is the name-Jina. Establishment Jinas are of two types, based on good establishment and bad establishment. The substance that is established in the form of the Jina Bhagavan is the good establishment Jina. The substance in which the Jina Bhagavan is imagined, without that form, is the bad establishment Jina.
Substance Jinas are of two types, based on Agam and No-Agam. The being who is the knower of the Jina-prabhruta, but is devoid of use in the present, is called the Agam-dravya-Jina. No-Agam-dravya-Jinas are of three types, based on the knowing body, future, and other than that. Among them, the knowing body No-Agam-dravya-Jina is of three types, based on future, present, and understood. The future substance that is going to be transformed by the Jina-paryaya in the future is called the future substance Jina. The other than that substance Jina is of three types, based on sentient, non-sentient, and both. Among them, the conqueror of camels, horses, and elephants, etc., is called the sentient substance Jina, and the conqueror of gold, silver, gems, and pearls, etc., is called the non-sentient substance Jina. The conquerors of girls, etc., along with ornaments made of gold, etc., should be known as sentient-non-sentient substance Jinas.
**Agam and No-Agam, based on these two, emotion Jinas are of two types. Among them, the being who is the knower of the Jina-prabhruta, and is connected with use in the present, is the Agam-bhava-Jina. No-Agam-bhava-Jinas are of two types, based on appropriate and transformed. Among them, the one who is transformed by the knowledge that receives the Jina-swarupa is...**