ગાંધી જીવી
અ ફેબ્રુઆરી ૨૦૧૫ ૦ પ્રબુદ્ધ જીવન • ગાંધી જીવનનો અંતિમ અધ્યાય વિશેષાંક ૯ પૃષ્ઠ૧૦૧ અંતિમ
* |ષાંક ક
ગાંધી જીવનનો અંતિમ અધ્યાય વિશેષક F Iધી જીવનનો અંતિમ અધ્યાય વિશેષાંક ૬ ગાંધીજીવનનો અંતિમ અધ્યાય વિશેષાંક : ગાંધી જીવનનો અંતિમ અધ્યાય વિરોષક *
Digambara. The Svetambara canonical literature consists of forty-five texts. There are eleven anga, twelve upanga, ten prakrina, six chedasutra, two sutra and four mulasutra. Further, Svetambara also have niyukti and other works which are added to these forty-five texts. The holy texts of Svetambara thus comes to around eighty-four. There are also thiry-six nigama which serves as a supplement to
agama. There are some branches within * Svetambara sect which do not regard all these texts
as authoritative. For instance, the Sthanakavasi sect Z regards only thirty-two of these as their holy books.
Digambar sect believes that there were 25 Agamasutras (11 Anga sutras + 14 Anga-Bahya-sutra) complied from the original preaching of Lord Mahavira. However, they were gradually lost starting about two hundred years after Lord Mahavira's nirvana, except certain portion of Dristivada, the 12th Anga sutra. Hence the existing Agama-sutras (which are accepted by the Swetambar sects) are not accepted by them as authentic scriptures.
In the absence of authentic scriptures, Digambaras consider the following two works as the Agama substitute texts. These scriptures were written by great Acharyas from 100 to 800 CE and are based on the original Agama sutras. They are:Satakhandagama
This Digambar scripture is also known as Maha- kammapayadi-pahuda or Maha-karma-prabhrut. It was written by two Acharyas, Pushpadant and Bhutabali, disciples of Acharya Dharasena around 160 CE. The second Purva-agama named Agraya- niya was used as the basis for this scripture. The scripture contains six volumes.
Jivasthana, kshulakabandha, Buddhasvami- tavichaya, Vedana, Vargana and Mahabandha. * Acharya Virsena wrote two commentary texts,
known as Dhavala-tika on the first five volumes and Maha-dhavala-tika on the sixth volume of this scripture, around 780 CE.
Kashaya-pahuda (Kashaya Prabhruta): This scripture was written by Acharya Gunadhara, based on the fifth Purva-agama named Jnana-pravada. Acharya Virsena and his disciple, Jinsena, wrote a
commentary text known as Jaya-dhavala-tika on it around 780 CE. C. Other Literature.
In addition to their canons and commentaries, the Svetambara and Digambara traditions have produced a voluminous body of literature, written in several languages, in the areas of philosophy, poetry, drama, grammar, music, mathematics, medicine, astronomy, astrology, and architecture. In Tamil the epics Chilappatikaram and/Jivikachintamani, which i are wirtten from a Jain perspective, are important works of early postclassical Tamil literature. Jain authors were also an important formative influence on kannada literature.
The Jain lay poet Pampa's Adipurana (another text dealing with the lives of Rishabha, Bahubali, and Bharata) in the earliest extant piece of mahaakvya (high poetic') Kannada literature. Jains were simiTarly influential in the Prakrit languages. Apabhramsha, Old Gujarati and later, Sanskrit. A particular forte of Jain writers was narrative, through which they promoted the religion's ideals. The most remarkable example of this is the huge Sanskrit novel. The Story of Upamiti's Series of Existences by the 10th century Shvetambara monk Siddharshi. Of particular importance, both as a systemization of the early Jain worldview and as an authoritative basis of later philosophical commentary, is the Tathvartha-sutra of Umasvati, whose work is claimed by both the Digambara and Umasvamin communities. Composed early in the Common Era, the Tattvartha-sutra was the first Jain philosophical work in Sanskrit to address logic, epistemology, ontology, ethics, cosmography and cosmogony.
Digambaras also value the Prakrit works of Kundakunda (c. 2nd century, though perhaps latter), including the Pravachanasara (on ethics), the Samayasara (on the essence of doctrine), the Niyamasara (on Jain monastic discipline), and the six Prabhritas (Chapters'; on various religious topics), Kundakunda's writings are distinguished by their deployment of a two perspective (naya) model, according to which all outward aspects of Jain practice are subordinated to an inner, spirtual interpre
ગાંધી જીવનનો અંતિમ અધ્યાય વિશેષાંક ગાંધી જીવનનો અંતિમ અધ્યાય વિશેષાંક કા ગાંધી જીવનનો અંતિમ અધ્યાય વિશેષાંક 5 ગાંધી જીવનનો અંતિમ અધ્યાય વિશેષાંક ન ગાંધી જીવનનો અંતિમ અધ્યાય વિશેષાંક 5 ગાંધી 4
| ગાંધી જીવનનો અંતિમ અધ્યાય વિશે
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વતનો અંતિમ અધ્યાય વિશેષાંક ક