ગાંધી જીવી
કે | અ પૃષ્ઠ૧૦૦૦ પ્રબુદ્ધ જીવન ગાંધી જીવનનો અંતિમ અધ્યાય વિશેષાંક ૯ ફેબ્રુઆરી ૨૦૧૫ અંતિમ
* hષાંક 5
જીવનનો અંતિમ અધ્યાય વિશેષાંક 5 ગાંધી જીવનનો અંતિમ અધ્યાય વિશેષાંક 5 ગાંધી જીવનનો અંતિમ અધ્યાયવિશેષાંક 5 ગાંધી
21. Bhagavan Naminath Blue lotus
preservation and conservation and conservation of 22. Bhagavan Neminath Conch
the scriptures is called as Vacana. In all there were." & 23. Bhagavan Parshvanath Snake
four Vacanas arranged, as follows. 24 Bhagavan Mahavira Lion
First 3rd Century BCE Sthulabhadra | Patliputra Meaning of the term Agama is 'A' means com
Second 4th Century CE Arya Skandil Mathura plete and Gama' means to gain. Agama is the scrip
Third 3rd Century CE Nagarjunasuri Vallabhi ture which gives complete knowledge. All religions
Fourth regard Scriptural knowledge as the "Verbal Testi
5thor 6th Century CE Devardhigani Vallabhi mony', which is the knowledge derived from the words
I ksamasramana of a Trustworthy person (Apta). In Jaina tradition CLASSIFICATION Tirthankaras are considered Apta purusa. Agama In the last Vacana finally the Agamas were written belongs to the second type of Knowledge known as down. that is approximately 1000 years after the NirSrutajnana (Scriptural Knowledge) accroding to vana of Lord Mahavira. In all presently there are 45 Jainism.
scriptures, which are classified as follows; according Agamas are also as Dvadasangi, Upadesa, to the tradition, the canonical literature originated from 3 Vacana, Aptavani, Pravacana, Siddhanta, Sruta, the first tirthankara Adinatha. It was forgotten and reSutra, Sutta etc. They ae wirtten in Prakrit language
vived from time to time by tirthankara succeeding > S (Ardha Magadhi, Paisachi, Maharashtri, etc.) the lan- Adinatha. The last tirthankara Mahavira's teachings
guage of the masses spoken in North India during were recorded in twelve sections known as angas.fi un ancient period.
The last part contains the teachings of fourteen earAfter the Nirvana of Lord Mahavira, Gautamswami
lier works called purva. A council was formed in c.300 headed the Sangh (Community) for 12 years, fol
BCE at Patliputra for compilation of the scriptures. lowed by Sudharmaswami who headed for next 12 years. He was followed by his disciple
However the last Anga was unknown to everyone. 3 Jambuswami, who headed the Sangha for 38 years
So Jain monks were sent to Bhadrabahu to retrieve y or 24 vears. These three were Arhat Kevalis. Af- it. Bhadrabahu was a sutra-kevali according to Jain
ter them, the Jaina community was under the lead- tradition. Sutra-kevalies are individuals who had ership of five Srutakevalis, viz. Prabhavaswami,
memorised all Jain scriptures and could recite them Sajjambhavasuri, Yasobhadrasuri, Sambhutivijayji
out of memory. Of the whole delegation, only and Bhadrabahu1. (according to Svetambara tra- Sthulabhadra, a Jain monk learnt the purva, while the dition) Vishnukumara, Nandimitra, Aparajita, others found themselves incapable of receiving the Govardhana and Bhadrabahu 1(according to knowledge. However, Bhadrabahu did not allow Digambara tradition). During the leadership of Sthulabhadra to teach the last four purva to anyone.
Bhadrabahu 1, there was a terrible famine in the knowledge of ten purva were passed on 5 Magadha (part of Northern India), which lasted for heriditarily up to seven generations of the teachers
12 long years. Bhadrabahu professed this famine before it was lost permanently. The Vallabhi council > and so he migrated to Southern India near the was commissioned in c. 5th century CE to write down å
place called Kanara, along with Chandragupta the scriptures. The council was headed by Devarddhi. *Maurya and 12000 monks. The monks who resided The scriptures compiled by this council forms the ca- fi
in Magadha were under the leadership of nonical texts of the Swetambara Svetambara sect. Sthulabhadra. After the end of the famine The Digambara sect of Jainism share the opinion that ē Sthulabhadra organized a meeting to complete the Bhadrabahu knew the scriptures. However, accordscriptures, as during that time scriptures were ing to the Digambara tradition, the knowledge of the memorized and not written. Therefore it became twelve anaas were also lost along with the fourteen inevitable to organize a meeting to know, exactly
purva. Svetambara sect thus claim to have the corthe content of the Agamas remembered by the
me rect but incomplete canonical literature where as texts surviving monks. The meeting organized for the w
written in a later period guide the principles of the s ગાંધી જીવનનો અંતિમ અધ્યાય વિશેષ સાદાઈ કેળવવાથી નથી આવતી. સાદાઈ સ્વભાવમાં વણાયેલી હોય છે. વતનો અંતિમ અધ્યાય વિશેષાંક :
* ગાંધી જીવનનો અંતિમ અધ્યાય વિશેષાંક 5 ગાંધી જીવનનો અંતિમ અધ્યાય વિશેષાંક ગાંધી જીવનનો અંતિમ અધ્યાય વિશેષક 5 ગાંધી જીવનનો અંતિમ અધ્યાય વિશેષાંક 4 ગાંધી જીવનનો અંતિમ અધ્યાય વિશેષાંક 5 ગાંધી
ગાંધી જીવનનો અંતિમ અધ્યાય