ગાંધી જીવ
ગાંધી જીવનનો અંતિમ અધ્યાય વિશેષાંક ૬ ગાંધી જીવતતો અંતિમ અધ્યાય વિશેષાંક ગાંધી જીવનનો અંતિમ અધ્યાય વિશેષાંક ગાંધી જીવનનો અંતિમ અધ્યાય વિશેાંક ગાંધી જીવનનો અંતિમ અધ્યાય વિશેષાંક ગાંધી
અ પૃષ્ઠ૧૦૨ પ્રબુદ્ધ જીવન • ગાંધી જીવનનો અંતિમ અધ્યાય વિશેષાંક ફેબ્રુઆરી ૨૦૧૫ અંતિમ
The details of Jain doctrine did not change much throughout history, and no major philosophical disagreements excercised Jain intellectuals. The main concerns of the medieval period were to ensure that scriptural statements were compatible with logic and to controvert the rival claims of the Hindus and the Buddhists.
Bhadrabahu (c. 300 BCE) is considered by the Jains as last sutra-kevli (one who has memorized all the scriptures). He wrote various books known as niyakti, which are commentaries on those scriptures. He also wrote Samhita, a book dealing with legal cases. Umaswati (c. 1st century CE) wrote Tattvarthadhigama-sutra which briefly describes all the basic tennets of Jainism, Siddhasena Divakara (c. 650 CE), a contemporary of Vikramaditya, wrote Nyayavatra a work on pure logic. Haribhadra Suri (c. 1088-1072 CE) wrote Yogasutra, a textbook on yoga and Adhatma Upanishad. His minor work Vitragastuti gives outlines of the Jaina doctrine in form of hyms. This was later detailed by Mallisena (c. 1292 CE) in his work Syadavadamanjari. Devendrasuri wrote Karmagrantha which discusses
the theory of Karma in Jainism. Gunaratna (c. 1440 CE) gave a commentary on Haribhadra's work Dharmasagara (c. 1573) write kalaksakausifkasahasrakirana (Sun for the owls of the false doctrine). In this work he wrote against the Digambara sect of Jainism. Lokaprakasa of Vinayavijaya and pratimasataka of Yasovijaya were written in c. 17th century CE. Lokaprakasa deals with all aspects of Jainism. Pratimasataka deals with metaphysics and logic. Yasovijaya defends idol-worshiping in this work. A recent work in Jaina theology is Jainatattvajnana written by Vijay Dharma Suri in 1917 CE. Srivarddhaeva (aka Tumbuluracrya) wrote a Kannada commentary on Tattvarthadigama-sutra. This work has 96000 verses. This work is praised in various inscriptions but it is lost. Jainendravyakamana of Pujyapada Devanandi and Sakatayana-vyakarana of Sakatayana are the work on grammar written in c. 9th century CE. Siddhahemacandra by Hemacandra (c. 12th century CE) is considered by ગાંધી જીવતતો અંતિમ અધ્યાય વિશેષ
E. Kielhorn as the best grammar work of the Indian middle age. Hemacandra's book Kumarapalacaritra is also noteworthy. Narrative literature and poetry
Jaina narrative literature mainely contains stories about-sixty-three prominent figures known as Salakapurusa, and people who were related to them. Some of the important works are Harivamshapurana of Jinasena (c. 8th century CE), Vikramarjuna-Vijaya (also known as Pampa-Bharata) of Kannada poet named Adi Pampa (c. 10th century CE), Pandavapurana of Shubhachandra (c. 16th century CE). Paumacariya of Vimalssuri (c. 3rd or 4th century CE), Padma-purana of Ravisena (c. 660 CE) and Ramacandracaritra-purana (also known as PampaRamayana) of Pampa II (c. 1100 CE) have the stories of the legendary figure Rama.
(To be continue) 76/C, Mangal, 3/15, R.A.K. Road, Matunga, Mumbai-400 019. Mobile: 9819179589/9619379589 Email: kaminigogri@gmail.com
શ્રી મુંબઈ જૈન યુવક સંધતે પ્રાપ્ત થયેલ અનુદાનની યાદી પ્રબુદ્ધ જીવન સીજન્ય કોર્પસ ફંડ
પ્રસન એન. ટોલીયા (પર્યુષણ વ્યાખ્યાનમાળામાં ‘પ્રબુદ્ધ જીવન’નાં પ્રકાશન અર્થે) ૩૦૦૦૦૦ કુલ રકમ
કિશોર ટિમ્બડીયા કેળવણી ફંડ ૧૦૦૦૦૦ પ્રસન એન. ટોલીયા ૧૦૦૦૦૦ કુલ રકમ
જમનાદાસહાથીભાઇ અનાજ રાહત ફંડ ૧૦૦૦૦૦ પ્રસન એન. ટોલીયા ૧૦૦૦૦૦ કુલ રકમ
જનરલ ડોનેશન ફંડ ૫૦૦૦ રશ્મિન સંઘવી ૫૦૦૦ કુલ કમ બુદ્ધ જીવન સીજન્ય
૨૦૦૦૦ પ્રહીર ફાઉન્ડેશન (ગૌતમ હીરાલાલ ગાંધી )
૨૦૦૦૦ બાળે મિનરÁસ (દીનાબેન તથા ચેતનભાઇ )
૪૦૦૦૦ કુલ રકમ જબરદસ્તીને વશ થવું એ કાયરતાની નિશાની છે.
lallci dj late ઋણુ છ
વનનો અંતિમ અધ્યાય વિશેષાંક
અધ્યાય વિશેષાંક
- ગાંધી જીવનનો અંતિમ અધ્યાય વિશેષાંક ગાંધી જીવનનો અંતિમ અધ્યાય વિશેષાંક - ગાંધી જીવનનો અંતિમ અધ્યાય વિશેષાંક :