H. C. Bhayani [२७. मारव-भासा / मारवी DB मारवभासा भणिओ धवलो सूरो अमंगलो अग्गी।
चंप तह विठ्ठ पुत्थ(च्छं) पुरिसो कलो मली धुसिउ (ओ) ॥३४ R मारव-भासा-भणिए धवलो' सूरो अ मगला अग्गी ।
छिप्पं तह वि हु पुच्छं पुरिसो कलोमली धुसिउं(?) ॥ Notes . I. धवल 18 otherwise not known In the sense of सूर-('sun' or braven.
DN. 5,57 gives धवल-= यो यस्या जातायुत्तमः. So with some strota
ching धवल- can mean शूर2. PSM, has given 37 fat as one of the mcanings of fre- (.).
According to the Grhyasūtras - (m.) is a name of Agni (MW.). The Rajasthanı Sabad Kos of Sitaram Lalas has noted
मंगळ, मगळा, मगळि 'fire' from Old Rajasthani literature. 3. DN. 3, 36 . छिप्प भिक्खा-पुच्छेसु. 4. The last part of the second line is obscure. Possibly we should
reconstruct as पुरिसो तह तोलणो भणिओ. cf. DN. 5, 17 : पुरिसम्मि तहणो तोलणो अ.
Actually the DN, form atent is based on a questionablo MS. tradition It should be atomultcf. clent in Apabhramba, Rajasthani, Panjabi etc, and cut in Panjabi in the sonso of
नायक 'hero', 'lover' or lator bridegroom'. Items identifled . 1. धवलो-सरो 'brave'.
2. मंगलो अग्गी fire'. 3. छिप्प-पुच्छ tail'.
[२८. कानमुखी(१)] DB. इन्हो तह यषलदो हरिसो चदो अकाचपओ।
साहील सुपउत्त मक दिस(य)हं तु लावंदी ॥३५ R. 'इब्भो तह य धणड्ढो हरिसो(१) चंदो अ काचपो(१)।
___ साहीण हु "पउत्त(१) मक(१) दियह (१) तु लावदी(१)॥ Notes : 1. PL. 194. अड्ढा इन्भा घणिणो; ABH. 357 : इभ्य आन्यो धनीश्वरः,
In the specialized sense of for only, Hemacandra has treated
इम्भ-asa Desya word (DN. 1,79). 2. हरिसो 1s otherwise unknown in the sense of चदो 'moon'.