The Bhaşa-laksana Chapter of Gutalankara Notes 1. DN. 6, 38 पावो सप्पे.
2. सहारवो वडवो 18 unclear. The last word should be rather बडवा
(unless वडवो stands for वडवाग्नि). Even if we take सहारवो as a corruption of महारवो (or महारवा) it is no help, because neither महारवो is known in the sense of वडवाग्नि, nor महारवा In the sense
of वडवा. 3. DN. 3, 1: चग चा. 4.विसल Is otherwise unknown in the sense of सज्ज quickly', or
"ready. Can It be बसण मज (0.0 व्यसन- मद्य-). Items identified 1. पावो-सप्पो 'snake'.
3. चंग अकलक 'spotless',
[२६. मेय-भासा | मेद-संभवा] DB. गदी मंगल जगर कवच मुणेयत्य ।
परिघो परिवारो कलिव कंठ च मेयमासाए ॥३३ R. गंडी' मगलतूर 'जगर' [तह कवच मुणेयम्व ।
परिघो परिवारो किलिव पहुं' मेय-भासाए । Notes : 1. In Pall and Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit गडी means gong'.
2. जगर-कवच-is common to Sanskrit and Prakrit. Sce Hemacan
dra's remarks under DN 3, 41, Hence ho has included जगरIn his ABH. 3. Pk. परिगहो = परिवारो king's retinue'. Pk. परिग्गहो, Ap. परिग्गह
has developed in Old Gujarati as afe and later it appears as TET. Occurrence of such a late word among tho Desya words
of the Gitalamkarals quite significant. 4. In Prakrit and late Sanskrit q-and 48-are kaown in the senso
of unuch. See IAL. 9124 and 7717.
Items identified • 1. गंडी मंगलतर' trumpet etc. played on auspicious occa
slons'. 2. जगर-कवच 'armour' 3. परिघो-परिवोरो 'king's retinue'. 4 पंड (or वंठ, बड) किलिय 'ounuch'.
Sambodhi 5.4