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**Pancastikaya Prabhrit** Hindi Ta. - Uththānikā - Further it is said that Śrīkundakundācāryadeva, fulfilling his promise, concludes the text. (Anvaya Sahit Sāmānyārtha) - (Mayā) I, Kundakundācārya, (Pavaṇabhattipracodideṇa) inspired by the devotion to the Āgama, (Maggappabhāvaṇatuṁ) for the propagation of Jina Dharma, (Padayaṇasāraṁ) having spoken the essence of the Āgama, (Pancattthiyasanghaṁ Suttam) the Pancastikaya Sangraha Sutra, (Bhaṇiyaṁ) have described.
**Viśeṣārtha** - The path to liberation is indeed the form of detachment from the worldly body and enjoyments, or it is the form of pure self-realization. Its propagation is that one should experience it oneself and enlighten others. For the propagation of such a path to liberation, I, inspired by devotion to the Paramāgama, have spoken this scripture called Pancastikaya, in which the five Astikayas and the six Dravyas etc. have been explained in brief, illuminating all things. Therefore, this is the essence of the other twelve-limbed Āgama. 173. Thus, concluding the text, the verse is spoken in the twelfth place.
Here, the third Mahādhikāra is complete. Saṁ. Ta. - Ath yataḥ pūrṇa saṁkṣepa ruciśiṣya sambodhanārthaṁ pancastikaya prābhṛitaṁ kathitaṁ tato yadā kāle śikṣā gṛhṇāti tadā śiṣyo bhaṇyate iti hetoḥ śiṣyalakṣaṇakathanārtha paramātmarādhakapuruṣāṇāṁ dīkṣāśikṣāvyavastabhēdāḥ pratipādyante. Dīkṣāśikṣāgaṇapoṣaṇātmasamskārasallekhanottamārthabhedana ṣaṭkala bhavanti. Tadyathā. Yadā kopyāsannabhavyo bhedābhedaratnatrayātmakam ācārya prāpyātmarādhanārtha bāhyābhyantaraparigrahaparityaṅga kṛtvā jinadīkṣāṁ gṛhṇāti sa dīkṣākālaḥ, dīkṣānantaraṁ niścayavyavahāratratrayasya paramātmatattvasya ca parijñānārtha tatpratipādakādhyātmaśāstreṣu yadā śikṣāṁ gṛhṇāti sa śikṣākāla, śikṣānantaraṁ niścayavyavahāramoksamārga sthitvā tadarthināṁ bhavya prāṇigaṇānāṁ paramātmopadeśena yadā poṣaṇam karoti sa ca gaṇapoṣaṇakālaḥ, gaṇapoṣaṇānantaraṁ gaṇam tyaktvā yadā nijaparāmātmani śuddha saṁskāram karoti sa ātmasamskārakālaḥ, ātmasamskārānantaraṁ tadartham eva krodhādikṣāyagahiṭānantyajñānādigunalakṣaṇaparāmātmapadārthe sthitvā rāgādivikalpānāṁ samyaglekhanaṁ tanukaraṇam bhāvasallekhanā tadartha kāyakleśānushṭhānam dravyasallekhanā tadubhayācaraṇam sasallekhanākālaḥ sallekhanānantara viśuddha jñānadarśanasvābhāvātmādravyasamyakaddhāna jñānānushṭhānabhirdravyecchānirodhalakṣaṇatapaścaraṇarūpaniścayacaturvidharādhanā yā tu sā caramadehasya tadbhavamokṣayogyā tadviparītasya bhavāntaramokṣayogyā cettyubhayamuttamārthakālaḥ. Atra kālaṣaṭkam adhye kecana prathama kāle kecana dvitīyakāle kecana tṛtīyakālādon kevalajñānam utpādayantiti kālaṣaṭkaniyamo nāsti. Athavā "dhyātā dhyānaṁ phalaṁ dhyeyaṁ yatra yasya