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## Glossary of Terms
**Pramattasanyata:** A soul that has renounced all sinful activities according to the rules, is a Sanyata (Muni), but is called Pramattasanyata as long as they consume food.
**Pramattasanyata Gunasthan:** Refers to the specific nature of a Pramattasanyata.
**Pramaangul:** A measure of length equal to 2.5 Utsadhangul and 400 Gunasambha Pramanangul.
**Pramav:** Forgetfulness of the self, lack of respect for virtuous actions, and not being mindful of duty and non-duty.
**Prayut:** One Prayut is equal to 84 lakh Prayutang.
**Prastang:** One Prayutang is equal to 84 lakh Ayut time units.
**Prabhat Shruta:** One Prabhat is composed of many Prabhut-Prabhuts. The knowledge of that one Prabhat.
**Prabhut:** Knowledge of one of the Prabhut-Prabhuts in the Pramrit Shruta-Drishtivad Anga.
**Prabhut-Prabhutsamas Shruta:** Knowledge of four Prabhut-Prabhuts.
**Pramrit Samas Shruta:** Knowledge of more than one Prabhut.
**(b) Bandh:** Due to Mithyatva and other causes, the soul is bound to the karmic particles in the world, which is filled with Paugalik dravya like a box filled with kajal. This binding is like the relationship between water and oil, or fire and iron, where they penetrate each other and become inseparable, occupying the same space. Alternatively, Bandh refers to the specific relationship between the soul and karmic atoms.
**Apva:** The acceptance of new karmic actions is called Bandh.
**Bandhkash:** The state of the binding period of the soul's lifespan.
**Bandhvicched:** The cessation of the binding of a particular karma in any future Gunasthan.
**Bandhasthan:** The collection of all karmic natures that bind to a soul at a particular time.
**Bandhetu:** The causes of binding, which are the Vaimāvika parināmas (karmodaya-janya) that arise from Mithyatva and other factors.