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The element that manifests as the result of the pacification of the seven natures, which is expressive of interest, is called Aupashmik Samyaktva.
Katurus Karma - The karma whose arising causes the body fluids of the living being to become thick, like neem etc.
Kamala - Eighty-four lakh Kamalang is the time period of a Kamalang. Kamalang - Eighty-four lakh Mahapan is one Kamalang.
Karan-Paryapt - Those who have attained full sensory fulfillment or have fulfilled their respective fulfillments. Karan-Aaparyapt - When the karma called Paryapt or Aaparyapt arises, until the living beings attain the fullness of their Karans - body, senses, etc. - they are called Karan-Aaparyapt.
Karanlakshi - The attainment of results or power capable of breaking the Mithyatva-Pranthi, which is eternal.
Kavlahar - Food items like grains, etc., which are taken through the mouth.
Karma - The Tatvagya Pudgal atoms attracted and bound by the tendency of the living being due to Mithyatva, Aviraat, Pramad, Kashay and Yoga.
Karmaja Buddhi - The intelligence obtained by thinking, contemplating and practicing in a purposeful manner.
Karmayogya Utkrisht Vargana - The skandhas with an infinite number of parts more than the Karmayogya Jaghanya Varganas are called Karmayogya Utkrisht Vargana. Karmayogya Jaghanya Vargana - The skandhas with one part more than the skandhas of the Utkrisht Vargana, which is not capable of being taken, after the Utkrisht Manoyogya Vargana, are called Karmayogya Jaghanya Vargana.
Karmrupa Parinaman - The ability of the Karma Pudgalas to cover the natural qualities of the living being, such as knowledge, perception, etc.
Karma Spataavasthanalaksanaa Sthiti - The time period during which the Karma stays with the soul after being bound.
Karma Vargana - The group of Karma particles.