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**Text from Karb Granth: Verse 2**
In the eight natural stages of arising, all eight karmas arise. In the seven natural stages of arising, seven karmas arise without the mohaniya karma. In the four natural stages of arising, four aghati karmas arise. From this, it can be concluded that the arising of all eight karmas occurs when mohaniya is present. When mohaniya is absent, the remaining three ghati karmas arise, resulting in the arising of eight or seven karmas. The arising of eight karmas occurs up to the tenth gunasthan, called sukshmasampray. The arising of seven karmas occurs in the upashantmoha or kshinamoha gunasthan. The arising of four aghati karmas occurs when eight, seven, or four karmas arise. Of these, eight arise up to the sukshmasampray gunasthan, seven arise in the upashantmoha or kshinamoha gunasthan, and four arise in the sayogikevali and ayogikevali gunasthan.
The lords of the aforementioned stages of arising should be understood as follows: The mohaniya karma arises up to the tenth sukshmasampray gunasthan. Therefore, the lords of the eight natural stages of arising are the jivas from the beginning up to the tenth gunasthan. Except for mohaniya, the remaining three ghati karmas arise up to the twelfth gunasthan. Therefore, the lords of the seven natural stages of arising are:
1. (a) **Moha sudaye att ha ki satta ya lamanti sesayanudaye.** **Santoinaani aghaiyaanam saha satta chauro ya.**
- Panchasangrah Saptathika, Verse 3
(b) **Tatra mohaniya sthoudaye astanaam apyudayah, mohaniya barjanaam trayaanam ghatikarmaanam udaye astanaam saptaanaam va.** **Tatra astanaam sukshmasampray gunasthanak yaavat, saptaanaam upashantmohe kshinamohe va, vedaniya aayu naam gotranaam mrudaye astanaam saptaanaam chatasnaam ba udayah.** **Tatra astanaam sukshmasampray yaavat, saptaanaam upashantmohe kshona mohe va, chanamrinam atamaam av vedaniyaadinaam sayogikevalini ayogikevalini cha.**
- Sapatika Prakaran Teeka, Page 143