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## Sixth Karma Granth
377. Uday and Udirana are similar. However, there is a difference in the experience of Kalaprapta and Akalaprapta karma particles. That is, in Uday, Kalaprapta karma particles remain, and in Udirana, Akalaprapta karma particles remain. Still, the general rule is that where there is Uday of a karma, there is definitely Udirana of that karma.
But there are seven exceptions to this. These exceptions should be known:
1. Those whose Uday leads to the destruction of their Satva, their Udirana-vichched happens one Avali-kal earlier, and their Uday-vichched happens one Avali-kal later.
2. The Udirana of Vedaniya and Manushyayu happens only until the sixth Prabhat-samyata Gunasthan, while their Uday happens until the Ayogikevali Gunasthan.
3. Those whose nature has Uday in the Ayogikevali Gunasthan, their Udirana happens only until the Sayogikevali Gunasthan.
4. The four Ayukamas have only Uday in the last Avali of their respective Bhava, not Udirana.
5. The five, Nidraadi, have only Uday after Sharira-paryapti until Indriya-paryapti is complete, not Udirana.
6. After Antar-karan, when one Avali-kal remains in the Prathama-sthiiti, there is only Uday of Mithyatva, of Samyaktva for one who attains Kshayik Samyaktva, and of the Veda whose Uday caused the ascent to the Upshama-shreni, not Udirana.
1. Just as there is Uday, there is Udirana, and just as there is Udirana, there is Uday.