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## Sixth Karma Granth, Verse 106
It should be said that the emergence of any one of the three natures, namely, Sanjwalan, Mana, and Maya, occurs.
When the bondage of Sanjwalan Mana is broken, there is a bondage of two natures and an emergence of one nature. However, that emergence is of one of Sanjwalan Maya or Lobha, therefore, two breaks are obtained here.
When the bondage of Sanjwalan Maya is broken, there is a bondage of Sanjwalan Lobha and its emergence. This is a bondage of one nature and a place of emergence. Therefore, there is one break here.
Although the emergence of Sanjwalan Krodha, etc., occurs in the four places of bondage, etc., of four natures, therefore, no special distinction arises in the breaks, yet due to the difference in the places of bondage, they have been stated separately, considering them as different.
Similarly, in the absence of bondage, in the subtle Sampraya Gunasthan, the emergence of one nature of Mohaniya Karma should be understood - 'Bandhovareme Vi Taha', therefore, this is one break.
Thus, in the four places of bondage, etc., of four natures, the total breaks are 4+3+3+1+1=11.
Subsequently, at the end of the subtle Sampraya Gunasthan, when the emergence and breaking of Mohlliya occurs, its essence is found in the Upshanta Moha Gunasthan. Here, the consideration of the mutual connection of the places of bondage and emergence is being done, due to which there was no need to mention the place of essence in the verse, yet it has been indicated here in passing - 'Udayabhave Vi Va Hojja' - the existence of Mohaniya Karma is due to choice!
Now, in the following verse, the breaks that are possible in the places of emergence from ten to one are indicated.