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Appendix 2
The holder of the **Sriman Yogas** (**Paravartaman Boyas**) is **Asanjo Jav** who binds the **Naraka** realm. He also binds the **Deva** and **Naraka** realms. The holder of the **Aharaka** realm, who is **Aparamatta Gunasthanavarti** and has the fourth **Avirat Gunasthan** (the holder of the **Jghanya Uppaad Yoga** in the first time of **Paryaya**), binds the **Tirthankara** nature and the **Dev Chatushk**, a total of five natures. The characteristics of the **Jghanya Pradeshbandhak** of the remaining 103 natures, excluding these eleven natures, are explained as follows:
**Charampushnabhavtyo Tivivahe Padhamavigahmmi Thik.**
**Sumabhigoddo Andhavi Seshanam Arabandhu Su.** **217**
The **Sukshma Nigodaya** being, which holds the last **Bhav** out of the 6012 **Bhav** of the **Labdhyaparyaptak** and is situated in the first turn out of the three turns of **Vigrahgati**, binds the remaining 106 natures.
Both the **Karmagranth** and **Go. Karmakand** consider the **Sukshma Nigodaya** **Labdhyaparyaptak** being as the **Jghanya Pradeshbandhak** of 106 natures. The **Karmagranth** states that it is the binder in the first time of birth, but the **Go. Karmakand** states that it is the binder of the last **Bhav** out of the 6012 **Bhav** of the **Labdhyaparyaptak**.
**Explanation of the structure of Gunashrabhi**
The structure of **Kamandalikas** from **Rikshan** to **Pratismmay Asankhyataguine Asankhyataguine** is called **Gunashreni**. The nature of this **Gunashreni** is explained clearly in the commentary of **Karmaprakriti Ga. 15** by **Upadhyay Yashovijayji** as follows:
**Adhuna Gunashva Niswaroopamaah Yatsthiti Kandakam Ghatayati Tanmadhyaddalikam Nrihitva Udayasamayadarabhyantmuhurt Charamasamayam**
**Gunanaya Nikshepati.** **Uktam Cha -**
**Jayarilhitho Ghanam Puggale U So Vidd | squeaufor Ghose Tattho V Asankhguinie U || Shriyam Vivai Samaye Taiye Tattho Asalangie U. Evam Samaye Samaye Antamuttam Tu Ka Punnam ||**
**Evaha Prathamasamayagrihita Dalik Nikshepavidhi. Evameva Dvitiyaadisamay**