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## The Fifth Karma Granth
**Regarding the specific details of the Mag's Vivaksha, the subtle bondage of the Samprayaya Gunasthan is to be understood as follows:**
There is one Avaktvyabandh when a being descends from the tenth Gunasthan to the ninth Gunasthan. This means that when a being descends to the ninth Gunasthan from the tenth Gunasthan and binds one nature, it is considered one Avaktvyabandh. Similarly, when a being dies in the tenth Gunasthan and takes birth in the Devagati, it binds the Sabha, resulting in two Avaktvyabandh. Therefore, we should consider three Avaktvyabandh.
When a being descends from the tenth Gunasthan to the ninth Gunasthan, it binds the Sanjwalan Lobha, resulting in one Avaktvyabandh. If the same being dies in the tenth Gunasthan and becomes a Dev Asanyata, then there are two Avaktvyabandh because the Dev binds the 17 Prakruti in two ways. This makes a total of three Avaktvyabandh.
The 127 Bhujakar, 45 Alpatar, and 3 Avaktvyabandh together make 175, which is the same number of Avashthitabandh. Therefore, we should understand the Bhujakar and other types of bondage as the general and specific forms of Mohaniya Karma.
**Regarding the Jghanya Sthitibandh of Karma Prakruti:**
The Karma Granth, the Go Karmakand, and the Karma Granth all agree on the Jghanya Sthitibandh of the Karma Prakruti mentioned by name. Regarding the remaining 85 Prakruti, there are some points to consider.
**Go Karmakand states:**
"Sesanan Parmato Badarai Diyo Vimukho Pa. Bandi Savajahmanam Sagasamakasaspadhimage." (Verse 143)
This verse states that the Jghanya Sthiti of the remaining Prakruti is bound by the Ekendriya Jiva in their respective participation in the highly purified result of the Badara.
The participation mentioned in this verse is explained in verse 145. The Jghanya and Utkrishta Sthiti of the mentioned Prakruti, in comparison to the Ekendriya and other Jivas, is determined by the participation of the Ekendriya in the Utkrishta Sthiti of Mithyatva. This participation is achieved by the Ekendriya's Utkrishta Sthiti, and the Jghanya Sthiti is achieved by the Ekendriya's participation in the countless parts of the Paly. Therefore, the Jghanya Sthitibandh is not separately mentioned in the Karmakand because it is bound by the Ekendriya Jiva.