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## Third Firmgranth
The third Firmgranth is found from the Sukleshya to the thirteenth Gunasthan. In it, besides the twelve Abandhya Prakṛtis of the Paleshya, the four Udyot Chatushk are also not bound, making a total of sixteen Prakṛtis that are not counted in the general bondage. Therefore, generally, 104 Prakṛtis are bound, and in the Vidhyatvagunasthan, except for the Tirthankar Naamakarma and Aahar, 101 are bound. In the second Gunasthan, by reducing the four of Napunsak Veda, Hudsansthan, Mithyatva, and Seva Sanhanan from 101, the remaining 67 Prakṛtis should be understood to have the same ownership as the Gunasthanas from the third to the thirteenth Gunasthan.
After explaining the bondage ownership of the Avatargana, the following verse describes the ownership of the Bhavy, etc., remaining Marggana.
**Verse 23:**
*Savvagunabhavyasannisuoha abhava asannisaminsama. Sasani asannisannisava kammabhangao anahaare.*
The Bhavy and Sanjñi Marggana have the same bondage ownership in all Gunasthanas, while the Abhavy and Asanshi have the same bondage ownership as the Mithyatva Gunasthan. In the Sasvadan Gunasthan, the Asanshi have the same bondage ownership as the Sanshi, and the Anaharakamargena have the same ownership as the Karmanayoga.
**Special Note:**
This verse explains the ownership in the different types of Bhavy and Sanjñi Marggana, and the different types of Aahar, including the Anaharakamargena.
The Bhavy and Sanjñi are both entitled to fourteen Gunasthanas. Therefore, their bondage ownership is 120 Prakṛtis in general, and 117 in the Mithyatva Gunasthan compared to the Gunasthanas, and in the Sasvadan Gunasthan...