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## Agam Sutra 30/2, Payanna Sutra-7/2, ‘Chandravedhyak’ Sutra - 90, 91
One who is interested in the study of knowledge should make an effort, whether they have intellect or not. Because intellect is obtained through the destruction and pacification of karma like Jnanavaraniya.
## Sutra-92
The soul, which has accumulated karma over countless births, uses it every moment, but through self-study, the accumulated karma of many births is consumed in an instant.
## Sutra-93
All beings, including Tiryanch, Sur, Asura, Manav, Kinnar, Mahorag, and Gandharva, who are in a state of delusion, should ask the Kevali Bhagwan. In other words, the only appropriate place to seek answers to one's curiosity in the world is a Kevalgyani.
## Sutra-94
One who attains human detachment through the hearing and contemplation of a single principle is also a Samyaggyani. Because whatever brings detachment is the true knowledge of that.
## Sutra-95
One who has attained intense detachment through a single principle on the path of the Vitarag Paramatama should not abandon that principle even until death.
## Sutra-96-97
Even the most powerful-minded Muni cannot contemplate the entire twelve-fold path at the time of death. Therefore, the one who contemplates even a single principle during that time and place, is considered an Aradhak by Jinendra.
## Sutra-98
A well-established Muni, by being focused in Aradhana, attains Samadhi and through the passage of time, surely attains liberation in three births. In other words, they attain Nirvana, the eternal state.
## Sutra-99
In this way, I have briefly described the great benefits of the specific qualities of Shrutagyan. Now, listen with a focused mind to the specific qualities of Charitra.
## Sutra-100
Those who are completely free from the bonds of household life, striving to follow the Dharma taught by Jinendra Bhagwan, are blessed.
## Sutra-101
The virtuous Muni, who follows the Jinavachan with a focused mind and pure intention, does not feel sadness or dejection even when facing death, despite the attainment of the state of Muni.
## Sutra-102
Those who have not stabilized their soul in this path of liberation, which is the only way to free oneself from suffering, are foolish to attain such a rare state of Shramanatva.
## Muni Diparatnasagar Krit “(Chandravedhyak)” Agam Sutra-Hindi Translation"
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