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## Āgama Sūtra 29, Payannāsūtra-6, Sanstāraka Sūtra-105
The क्षपक soul, who forgives such transgressions and attains the unparalleled penance and the unparalleled samadhi, dwells in equanimity, consuming the group of karmas, the root cause of various obstacles, afflictions, etc. Sūtra - 106
The क्षपक soul, who is mounted on Santhara, destroys all the groups of karmas, which are bound by the tradition of countless lakhs of kotis of inauspicious births, in one moment, through the power of auspicious determination. Sūtra - 107
On this occasion, if the great क्षपak, mounted on Santhara, experiences pain arising from the inauspicious yogas of the past, which obstructs the state of samadhi, then to pacify it, give him soothing Dharma teachings like cool sandalwood, in the form of songs. Sūtra - 108
O virtuous one! The ancient Munis, who have surrendered everything in devotion, were engaged in Kayotsarga meditation on the peak of a terrifying mountain, surrounded by wild animals, even without such practices. Sūtra - 109
And then, those great sages, who possess extreme fortitude and dwell in the path of the Jinakathita devotion in an unparalleled manner, maintain their state of samadhi and practice the highest Dharma, even when they are in the jaws of wild animals. Sūtra - 110
O well-being! The निर्यामक sadhu, who possesses fortitude and a healthy mental state, always helps others. In such circumstances, can they not attain the state of samadhi and cross the Santhara devotion? Meaning, you should easily cross the Santhara. Sūtra - 111
Because the soul is different from the body, and the body is also different from the soul. Therefore, the well-being person, who has abandoned attachment to the body, also abandons the body for the sake of the Jinakathita Dharma devotion. Sūtra - 112
"The क्षपak, mounted on Santhara, endures the pains arising from the inauspicious karmas of the past with equanimity, and shakes the tradition of karma-stains like a vine from its roots. Therefore, you too should endure this pain with equanimity and destroy karma." Sūtra - 113
The soul, who consumes the group of karmas through penance, actions, etc., for many crores of years, protects the soul through the yogas of mind, speech, and body. The wise soul consumes that group of karmas only in a breath. Because the effect of the practice with right knowledge is inconceivable. Sūtra - 114
The wise soul, who protects the soul through mind, speech, and body, consumes the eight types of karmas accumulated from many births, which are equal to sin, only in a breath. Therefore, O well-being! You should also be diligent in this devotion, with the support of right knowledge.
Muni Diparatnasagar Krit "(Sanstāraka)" Āgama Sūtra - Hindi Translation
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