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The second standard technique regarding the attainment of *gadarissusthay siddhi* is this: that which is characterized by *taratambhav* has a limit of excellence. For example, importance is a quality characterized by *taratambhav*. Its ultimate limit is attained in the sky, meaning that the sky is the greatest. Similarly, the quality of knowledge is characterized by *taratambhav*. Therefore, its attainment of excellence in some particular person is definitely possible. And the one in whom this knowledge attains excellence is the omniscient. This is the occasion! (See - *Shri Haribhadrasuri*’s *Sarvajnasiddhi Prakarana*, *Jnana Bindu*, *Apt Mimamsa* etc.).
Such a *kshinadosha* (one with minimal faults) - *param nirdosha* (perfectly faultless), virtuous *Shrimad Sarvajnya Bhagavan* is united with all the fruits in the form of attainment. The attainment of *kevaljnana*, the attainment of *kevaldarshan*, infinite attainment of giving, infinite attainment of gain, infinite attainment of sharing, infinite attainment of taking, infinite attainment of all the powers - all these attainments reside in the body of this *kevali* Bhagavan. The eight great *mahasiddhis* like *animmafal* and *bhegi* *mahima* etc. revolve around him like his attendants. This Bhagavan is the abode of all the glories described in the *yogashastras* like *Patanjali* and in *Jinagama*. Due to his omniscience, which pervades all the states of all the objects, this omniscient *Shripati* is completely free from *ausush* (desire), he has no desire for anything anywhere, therefore he is the enjoyer of the fruits of all the attainments.
There is nothing greater than his own self. No influence has been produced, is present, or will be produced in this creation, which is not attained by his complete self. *Shrimad Rajchandra*, *Ank* 337 (411).
Because this *vitrag* (desireless) Lord, who is the Lord of the knower and the known, knows through his own knowledge, this Lord sees his own ordinary object by seeing his own form, this Lord, who is immersed in his own nature-like character, enjoys infinite *chaturshka* (fourfold) pleasures in his own enjoyment, this Lord, who is the enjoyer of his own nature-like fortune, enjoys infinite pleasures in his own form. This great giver, this Lord, always gives, and this God, who is the receiver and the pervader of his own power, is himself the recipient of that gift.
He knows through his own knowledge, the Lord of the knower and the known; he sees his own ordinary object by seeing his own form.