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A collection of web-duṣṭi arises, meaning that it does not generate perception or certainty in the people. An argument proven by logic is not accepted by people. Because it contains nothing but examples, it has no other merit. Thus, such a worthless, trivial argument is of no use, it has no value. Therefore, such an argument, influenced by ambiguous public perception, is bound!
“Tată paryāsisa%ālā
Atīndriyārthasiddhaārtha nivāroḍha kuṛi I dvā. ḍhā, 23-2. Therefore, the one who is inquisitive about the true essence, the soul who is a seeker of truth, never even considers any kind of argument, that is the meaning. Every seeker should keep this concise statement of the supreme soul-experiencer, Śrīmad Rājacandraji, in their heart forever -
“Leave the philosophy, its attachment and its variations;
He who asks for this will achieve it, his birth is insignificant.” - Śrī Ātmasiddhi
The essence of the criticism of logic and this statement, as if echoing, reverberating, the great scholar Mahārṣi Haribhadrasuriji has emphasized the abandonment of this illogical planet, the logic, and has strongly prohibited all kinds of attachment and aversion. Because, criticizing this illogical planet, he has clearly shown that this logic, (1) is a color to knowledge, (2) is a hindrance to peace - self-peace, (3) is a destroyer of faith, (4) generates false pride, and (5) thus, it is a destroyer of the mind, an enemy of the ultimate goal, therefore, it is not appropriate for the seeker to be attached to it. (6) It is associated with all kinds of ignorance, and it is this logic that plans and arranges it, so what is the use of it? (7) All this logic is a species, meaning it is full of pollution, it is influenced by perception and results. Does an elephant kill the one who is far away or the one who is near? Like the Vedic arguments. (8) Moreover, this logic ultimately has an answer, “nature”. And this nature is not perceived from the essence, because it is perceived differently from the other. For example, fire wets, water burns, etc. (9) Thus, everywhere, examples are available that are influenced by public perception, then who can consider such an example-based logic? For example, the logic that arises from the strength of the example of two moons and self-knowledge proves the independence of all knowledge! (10) Thus, everything influenced by public perception is obtained everywhere from such ambiguous logic. Anything can be proven by logic, anywhere, in a haphazard way! Then what is the use of such evil, wicked logic?