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Page No.
398 405 408 414 418
424 429 430 431 432
Verse No.
Subject 129 to 131 The nature of Paratattva, the names of different Darshanas that describe it
and its characteristics 132-133 All Darshanakaras worship one omniscient - reasons for accepting it 134-135 Kapil and Sugat are omniscient, yet the reason for the difference in their teachings 136-137 Tirthankara's teachings differ due to the difference in the audience and the country 138
Difference in teachings of Kapil, Sugat, etc. due to the difference in Nayas 139
The fallacy of refuting the teachings of other Darshanakaras without understanding their ultimate meaning 140-142 The fallacy of refuting the statement of any Darshanakara without understanding its meaning 143
The futility of debate on the subject of extra-sensory objects 144
The impossibility of attaining extra-sensory knowledge through inference 145 Bhartuhari's argument on the impossibility of attaining extra-sensory knowledge through inference 146 Reasons for the impossibility of attaining extra-sensory knowledge through Hetuवाद 147-188 Dry logic is to be abandoned for the seeker of liberation and reasons for accepting it 149-152 In matters of Dharma, wise people should abandon dry logic and engage in appropriate activities 153 Conclusion of Dipra दृष्टि
Verse 154 to 161 Description of Stira दृष्टि 154 The nature of Stira दृष्टि 155-157 The nature of Bhav and Moksha as seen through the difference in Granthis 158 The discerning Pratyahar of a Samyagdrusti Jiva 159-161 The nature of the superior Shruta-predominant contemplation of Samyagdrusti Jivas
Verse 162 to 169 Description of Kanta दृष्टि 162-163 The nature of Kanta दृष्टि 164
Due to the knowledge of Akshepak, Yogis with Kanta दृष्टि experience Bhogas
but not for the purpose of Bhav 165-166 The nature of the Asang activities of Yogis with Kanta दृष्टि even during the time of Bhogas 167-168 Even with the practice of Dharma, Jivas with Paramarth बुद्धि during Bhogas
do not attain the path of Moksha 169 Constant benefit from the Mimamsa of Yogis with Kanta दृष्टि
Verse 100 to 100 The nature of Prabhashti 17)
The nature of Prabhashti 171
437 442
453 461 487 495
526 531
538 546