No. 35. Khandela Inscription of Year 201. . . . . to face page 163 , 26. Two Grants of Early Guhilas–Plate I . .
between pages 172 and 173 „ 27. „
–Plate II. . . . , 174 and 175 .. 28. Chiruvroil Grant of Hambira, Saka 1383 . . . between pages 184 and 185 „, 29. Napitavatska Grant of Ganga Devendravarman . . , 190 and 191
Nagarjunikonda Inscription of the time of Abhira Vasu
shena, Year 30. . . . . . . . to face page. 202 ,, 31. Honnehalli Inscription of Arasappanayaka, Saka 1478 .
206 „ 32. Some Brahmi Inscriptions . . . . . . between pages 208 and 209
Hilol Plates of Year 470 . . . . . . to face page 317 34. Nimbal Plates of Kalachuri Sankamadeva . . . between pages 230 and 231 35. Pandiapathar Plates of Bhimasena, Year 89 . ..
236 and 237 36. Banavasi Inscription of Vinhukada Satakanni . .
240 and 241 „37. Some Inadriptions from U.P. -Plate I . .
244 and 245 --Plate II . .
248 and 249 --Plate III
250 and 251 --Plato IV . . . to face page 253