ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS Page 13, lines 2 fl.--Add Note-Dinna was the sculptor who fashioned the image bearing the
inscription. He is known from two image inscriptions from Kasiã (of. ASI, A. R..
1906-07, pp. 49-50, 62). , 21, f.n. 8, line 1-Read-Rulao and not Ruļu”.
48, f.n. 6.-For 6 read 4.
f.n. 4.--For I read 6. 68, last line-Read Mallikārjuna. 71, f.n. 4, line 2-Read chāryakah. 73, f.n. 7, line 1-Read Manche(cha)nārya. 75, last foot-note-Read 5 at the beginning. 80, f.n. 3, line 2-Read dänta. 127, f.n. 5, line 2-Read p. 140. 132, foot-note 2.-Add Note-Hiuen-tsang locates Mo-la-p'o (Malava) near the valley
of the river Mahi. Some scholars identify this land with the Mālavaka āhāra known from the grante of Dhruvasēna II Balāditya to have formed a part of Maitraka territory. There were therefore at least two Mālavas even in the seventh century. As a matter of fact, however, there were several Mälava countries in different parts of India. See H. C. Raychaudhuri, Pol. Hist. Ano. Ind., 1938, p. 492, note 4. 134, f.n. 1-Read upadhmānīya. 135, line 34- Read an image each. 136, f,n. 5, line 2-Read pp. for p. 138, line 24—Read which certainly. 143, line 4-For the era read the area.
152, f.n. 11-Road jyēstha (shtha). » 153, f.n. 5-Read Karnně.
„ f.n. 9, line 2–Read the forehead. Or 180, f.n. 4, line 2-Read Ranganatha'. 194, line 29.-Read Amänta and Pürrimänta. 200, line 9-Read north of 210, f.n. 1–Read 15-16.