C. Plates
No. 1. Graeco-Aramaic Inscription of Asoka near Kandahar
-Tlate I between pages 2 and 3 Plate II ,
2 and 3 3. Brahmi Inscriptions from Mathura . . . . .
10 and 11 4. Buddhist Inscription from Kausambi . . . to face page 16
5. Two Inscriptions from Nagarjunikonda . . . . between pages 20 and 21 , 6. Tarachandi Rock Inscription of Pratapadhavala, V.S. 1225
26 and 27 7. Mallar Plates of Jayaraja, Year 9 . . . . .
30 and 31 „8. Dharwar Plates of the time of Simhana-Plate I . . » 38 and 38
-Plate II . . lo face page 10. Mallar Plates of Vyaghraraja . . . . . . between pages 48 and 49 11. Mallar Platcs of Pravara II, Year 3-Plate I . .
52 and 53 ... - Plate II.
52 and 53 „13. Fragmentary Inscription from Chitorgarh . . to face page 67 „ 14. Hulgur Inscription of Khottigs. Saka 893 . . „, 16. Inscription from Manthani . . . . . . between pages 72 and 73 „ 16. Mandkila Tal Inscription, V.S. 1043 . . . .
82 and 83 17. Grants of Gayadatunga :
1. Talcher Plate No. 1 . . . . . . . 96 and 97 ,, 18. Gadivore Grant of Shashthadeva (II) . . . . . 108 and 109 „, 19. Bonda Plates of Mahasiva Tivara, Year 8 . . .
: 114 and 116 20. Mudgapadra Grant of Yuvaraja Sryasraya Siladitya, Kalcahuri Year 420 . . . . . to face page
121. 21. Nesarika Grant of Govinda II1, Saka 727–Plate I between pages 130 and 181
-Plate II. to face page 134 „23. Veraval Inscription of Chaulukya-Vaghela Arjuna, 1264 A.D.
148 , 24. Inscription of the time of Chaulukya Karua, V.$. 1884 .