15 pato Godavarī pasobimatah Aylyla
16 navrðli-tataka uttarataḥ Puchohakāyalla)
17 vāgili [l*) tasmin=dēsē Marhohe(oha)(náryol
18 pal taţāka-grāmau rachayitvā Br[ahma).
19 mēbhyo Ma[m]trakata-vātikā-vāsi[bhya).
20 s=cha sva-kuţumbāya cha dattau [l*) tatra Mahä[déva)
21 Kēšava-pratishthā kțită [l*] Ma[m*]trakata-Go[pl]
22 janavalla[bhāya ā]rāmag=cha datta[5 /*] ..
23 no Mallika[r*lijuna-sūrēraddharmaḥ Mam(traka)
24 tē(ta)-Gopināthāya Nagavurē (taţā]
25 kam Amgalūrē ēkam (niva]rtanam (M&??
26 napadi-taţākā trīņi saha[sra -bhā).
27 ga-parisarē yāvanāla-[ksh]ētrarh sapta-[ha)
28 18(la)-parimita[rn*] Gahlarudavurā da[ha da).
29 ttānis [l*] Kakatiyya(ya)-Ganapatidē va-mal
30 hāraj-ānumatyā Allumvrolr(ajal
31 dauhitrāch=Chernūri-dēka-pälakāt-(Somo)
32 svaradēvān-Mallikarjuna) .......?
33 ..........................!
1 The same person is called Manohi.bhattopadhyaya in line 8 above and Adchanarya in line 20 on the first aido.
The samo porsons appear to be mentioned in lines 6-8 on the fourth side of the pillar.
* Not more than two aksharas are lost at the end of the lino. They may be conjecturally restored as pitua. Probably the reading was pituno(r=no).
• The intended reading seems to be tri-sahasra'.
The reference may be to ksheträni or halani.
• The correct form of the name is Allum pro(or vro)larāja. The same name also ocours in line 6 above. See above, p. 73, note 6.
Some letters are lost at the end of the line ; of. p. 68 above. It is, however, not altogether impossible that the referenoe here is to a brother of Mallikarjuna.
Only traces of the upper part of somo lotters are visible.