No. 18]
Fourth Sidel
1 [u]ttarato Gundivāmhgub [l*) tatra Sivalinga). 2 pratishtha cha kritā [l*) tasmin(smin)næðva samayo 643. la-Brāhmanēbhyaḥ Kitapalll-sa[m]4 [jña]kaṁ grāmam krītvă tasya Mallikarjuna(pul5 [ra]m-iti nama kritvä taţākam cha nirmāys [Brá). 6 [hma]pēbhyaḥ sva-kutumvā(bā)ya cha' pura-tatakē da[tta li 7 Mallikārjunapu[ra]sya simănaḥ pūrvva8 tah Potakuluh da[ksh]ipataḥ Kattumdalaḥ pa9 schimato Maddikumtavāmguḥ uttarataḥ Praga10 dappallivāmguḥ [l* tatra GapapatIsvara-prasti11 shtha cha kita [l*] Jorna-ga(grā)mo Sri-Lakshmin(a)12 rāyana-pratishthā (kļitā*] Brāhmaṇa-văţik[6] 13 cha dattā [l*] tad-anujēna Kēšava-surip[a] 14 Ambānārāyaṇa-pratishtha kritā [l*] Ma
15 11kärjuna-budha-sutēna Gopala
16 surina Kakatiyya(ya)-Rudradeda(va)-mahar(a)17 jan-Malm*]trakuta kshētram pratigrihya tastra) 18 Simhagiripuram ta[4]ka-dvayaṁ cha ni19 rmāya brI-Nfie[m]a[mprati[sh].(shtha)pya vimbati-g[ri]. 20 [h]āņi rachayitva tad-griha-vāsibhyo Vrā(Brā)hma21 nõbhyah Mamthörnakaluva-E4[la]pallt-Vilasalvju22 ra-Viripaflu-Nallabalu-Kamisettipa
23 111-Jamgadi(vi)du-Gumjapadiga-Nagavura-M[u]
1 This is the right side of the pillar. There is the figure of a Siva-linga above the writing.
* The desoription of the boundaries in the east, south and west of the plot of land in question has broken away at the ond of the third side of the pillar.
* This seems to be the name of a village in four letters, the second and third of which are lost rospootively at the end of lino 2 and the beginning of line 3. The word may possibly also be eakala.
. The same beneficiaries appear to be mentioned in lines 18-20 on the third side of the pillar.
The deity is called Narasimhadeva in line 27.