In order to secure a favourable rainfall, jugating such evil spirits as Meldi and grand festival is observed on an auspicious Shikotar and Matàs.? day. On this day all agricultural work is 1 When Vaishnavas make vrtcriags to their stopped and megh laddus (sweet balls called gods, the doors of the shrine are closed. megh or cloud) are eaten by the people.1 The initiating ceremonies of the Shakti
In some places, for the protection of the Panthis and Margi Panthis are also performed crops, a thread charmed by the incantations of in close secrecy. an exorcist is passed round the hedge of the 1 The Shravaks lave to observe perfect field.2
silence at the time of performing the Shảmag For the protection of crops of gram, wheat Padakamanu' (a form of devotion to god) and sugar-cane against injury by rats, a Some people observe a vow of keeping silen ceremony called Dàdh Bandhavi is performed, while taking their meals either for life or in which a thread over which incantations during the monsoon. 10 have been repeated by an exorcist is passed There are various legenas current among round the crop, and an image of Ganpati is the people regarding the origin of the Holi installed and worshipped with offerings of holiday. The chief versions are as follows: sweet balls of wheat flour 3
1. In ancient times there lived a demones In some places, the ceremony of Dàdh named Dhunda who preyed upon children. Bandhavi is performed somewhat differently. Her misdeeds caused greut misery to the Instead of passing a thread round the field, people, who went to Vasishtha, the precen the exorcist walks round the field repeating of Rama, and implored him to tell them of incantations, holding in his hand a pot con- some remedy for the mischief wrought by the taining fire, over which is placed a pan con- demoness. Vasishtha told them to light it taining Gugal. This ceremony is generally pyre in honour of the goddess Holika, which performed for the protection of sugar.cane le said, would consume the demoness. The crops against the attacks of jackals. It is people accordingly lighted a huge fire, into believed that an animal entering the field which the demoness was driven by boys who after the performance of this ceremony las led her to the spot by abusing her and its dàdh (gums) stiffened.
troubling her in many ways. She was reduced Silence and secrecy are considered esscutia! to ashes by the fire, and the people were in working mystic lore, for it is a belief that saved. 11 if learnt openly such lore loses its power.S ! 2. A demon named Hiraniàksha hud.
The ceremony for obtaining command over sister named Holika and a son named Kal Bhairav is performed in perfect silence Prahlad. Hiraniàksha Lore great cnmity to at midnight on the Kalichaudas, that is the Rama, while Prablad was his devotee. Hirafourteenth day of the dark half of Ashvin.6 niềksha did not like his soul's devotion to
Silence and secrecy are also essential in Rama, and told him several times to give it the ceremonies which are performed for sub- up, and eren threatened to take his life.
1 The School Master of Vanod.
· The School Master of Dhànk. $ The School Master of Ganod.
• The School Master of Chhatrasa. 5 The School Master of Kotda Sangani.
The School Master of Vanod. 1 The School Master of Dalvi.
& The School Master of Devalia. # The School Master of Limbdi.
10 The School Master of Ganod. "The School Masters of Dhank and Ganod.