But Prahlad did not swerve an inch from reputation. So he threw himself into the the path of his devotion. At last, being fire and met his death without attering a desperate, Hiraniàksha decided to kill him, word of pain. This has given rise to the and entrusted his sister with the mission. custom of throwing into the Holi fire the Holika raised a big pile of cow-dung cakes, cow-dung image of Govardhan, which is set it on fire, and seated herself on the pile, installed during the Divali holidays 2 taking Prahlad in her lap. But through the On the Holi day sweet dishes are pregrace of Rama, Prahlad escaped uninjured pared and taken with the morning meal.
teaches while Holika was reduced to ashes.
Some women observe a vow on this day, and 3. A domoness called Dhunda had dine once only in the evening, after worshipobtained a boon from Shiva to the effect ping the Holi fire with an offering of a that she would not meet her death during cocoanut and walking seven times round it.3 any of the three seasons of the year, either In some places, on the day preceding the by day or by night. At the same time she Holi, which is known as Kamala Holi, sweet was warned to beware of injury from stuffed cakes are prepared, and on the Holi children between sunset and nightfall at Punema day vermicelli is eaten. the cominencement of a new season. To The fuel for the Holi fire is generally prevent any possibility of injury from child- collected by boys. At about two in the ren, she began to destroy them by preying afternoon on the Holi day a party of boys upon their bodies. This caused a great panic goes from house to house and receives five to among the people, wlio went to Vasishtha and fifteen cow-dung cakes from each household asked his advice as to low to kill the demon- These cow-dung cakes are bored, and strung ess. He advised them to kill her in the way on strings.5 described in legend No. 1 above, and she was The fuel thus colleeted is heaped at the killed accordingly.1
village boundary or the end of the street. 4. The Govardhan mountain had two All the male residents of the village or street sisters named Holi and Divàli. Holi was a meet at the spot, a pit is dug, and carthen woman of bad conduct while Divali's charac-pots filled with wheat, gram and water mixed ter was good. Although unchaste, Holi together are placed in the pit and covered boasted that she was chaste, and once, to with cow dung cakes. Next, the headman of prove her chastity, she threw herself on to a the village or the leading resident of tho big fire. She could not bear the pain caused street worships the pile with the assistance of by the flames, and began to scream aloud, a Brahman priest. After worship, the pile when people beat drums, abused her, and is lighted at the time fixed by an astrologer. raised such a din that her screams became by a low caste Hindu, generally a Bhangi or inaudible. Hence the custom of using Kotwal, as Hindus of good caste consider it a abusive language and reciting abusive verses sin to kindle the Holi fuel. The Bhangi or during the Holi holidays. Govardhan could Kotwal receives a few dates and cocoanut not bear the disgrace attached to his sister's kernel for this service.
· The School Mistress, Barton Female Training College, Rajkot. * Mr. K. D. Deshi.
3 The School Master of Vanod. 4 The School Master of Moti Khiroli
5 The School Masters of Dhánk and Sonyadh. • This is generally in the evening or an hour or two after nightfall,
6 The School Masters of Zinzuvàda and Moti Marad.