When a cow or she-buffalo is about to calve, pounder) is struck seven times against the in packet containing a few pebbles or cowries, main cross beam of the house in the belief the mali (red lead) from the innage of Hanu- i that the sound thus produced destroys mān, dust collected from a place where four insects." roads meet, and grains of Adod, are tied to its ! To scare the insects called itidio, vows are Jorns by an indigo-coloured thread, in the observed in honour of the Itidio Pir.10 belief that this protects the animal from the In order that insects and worms may not spoil effects of the evil eye.1
the corn stored in a granary or in earthen jars, To guard cattle against an attack of small- | the ashes of the fire of the Holi or leaves of pox, women observe a vow called Shili Sàtem the nim tree are mixed with it. on the seventh day of the bright half of To prevent insects from spoiling wheat, Shravana
bajari and juvari, mercury and ashes are put To prevent a tiger from attacking cattle, al into them, while it is believed that gram cannot circle of thc flour of charonthi is drawn round be eaten by insects if it is mixed with dust them by an exorcist reciting mantras or incan- from a place where thrce roads meet. 11 tations. If a tiger tries to enter this protected To drive away insects, a ceremony called area its mouth at once becomes swollen."
Ilaglo Badagho or Mariyun is performed on In some places, salt heated over the fire of the Divali holiday. It is as follows : the Holi is put into the food given to the cattle One man holds a lighted torch in his hand, in the belief that this protects them from and another an earthen jar, which he beats disease.
with a small stick. The two men pass Instead of salt, some people give cattle leaves through every nook and corner of the house of castor-oil plants roasted over the fire of and the cattle-slied crying “ Adagho may go, the Holis
Badagho may go, that is, “May troubles and In some places, on the Divali holiday, a diseases disappear; may bugs, serpents, mice, torch and a rice pounder are placed in the scorpions, mosquitoes and other insects die cattle shed, and the cattle are made to cross out." Next they proceed, repeating the same them one by one. This process is believed to words, through the streets to the village protect them froin disease.
boundary, where the torch, the earthen jar A ceremony called the Doro of Mahadev is and the stick are thrown away, thus ending also performed in the month of Shravan to the ceremony.12 protect cattle against disease.?
In order to secure sunshine and favourable Vows in the honour of Ashpal or Nàgdev weather, oblations are offered to the local are also observed for the protection of cattle, deities, sacrificial offerings are made and
In the Hasta nakshatra during the monsoon, bunting is suspended from the doors of when there is a thunder storm, a sàmbelu (rice temples 18
1 The School Master of Kotda Sangani.
2 The School Master of Vanod. 3 The School Master of Chok.
The School Master of Devalia. 5 The School Master of Chhatrasa.
6 The School Master of Jetpur. + The School Master of Patan Våv.
· The School Master of Moti Marad. • The School Master of Kotda Sangani.
. 10 The School Master of Patan Vav. 11 The School Master of Sanka.
12 Mr. K. D. Desài. 13 The School Master of Kotda Sangapi.