The moon in front means fulfilment of | The sight of a king an arme
The sight of a king, an armed man, a Dhed, the intended purpose, on the right it confers a Bhangi or a Darji is also considered to be an happiness and prosperity, on the back it auspicious omen. causes death, and on the left, loss of wealth. The sight of boys going to or returning
6. The warbling of the bird bhairav on from school is a good omen. the right while going out and on the left while A labourer carrying a load of fuel on his returning is a good omen, but the opposite is head, a corpse in front, a potter carrying earth bad 1
on his head or on his donkey, a woman carry. 7. A cat or a serpent crossing one's path ing her son, a mian carrying molasses, are all is ominous of evil; but if either passes on the auspicious omens. right, it foretells good.1
A male monkey or a donkey crying on the 8. A jackal howling in the evening prog- right while going out, and on the left while nosticates damage by fire to the town or returning home is considered to be a good village; its howling at midnight predicts omen, robbery, while in the last part of the night it Wine and good speech are alsu considered foretells good.
good omens. 9. Kàg-rashids (expounders of the utter- The sight of a herdswoman, a dog scratchances of crows) know the good and bad ing its right side, a cuckoo singing on a tree indications of the croakings of crows.
or a black sparrow is a good omen." 10. The wailing notes of the bird Favadi | Fuel, hides, grass, vegetables, a smoking forebode evil.
fire, sesamum oil, molasses, a barren woman, 11. The throbbing of the right eye or side an enemy, a disorderly inob, a woman without in the case of men and of the left eye or side the auspicious mark on her forehead, a man in the case of women is considered to be a besmeared with oil, a eunuch, mud, wet clothes, good omen, while the contrary is bad,
an ascetic, a beggar, are all considered to be 12. If the bird holo sweeps the roof of bad omens, if one sees them while going on one's house continuously for a number of days, business, 10 A calamity is supposed to be imminent for the The sight of dry cow-dung cakes is supinmates of the house.
posed to be a bad omen. 11. 13. If a dog barks in front of a man it is The sight of a widow or of a corpse is considered to be a bad omen.
bad.12 A Bråhunan, a cow, fruits, flowers, milk,
Weasels crossing the road, dogs shaking pearls, jewels, a prostitute, an elephant, an
their ears, man carrying a black earthen umbrella, meat, fish, a gun, a bayonet, a vessel, a woman with loose hair, a person mirror, a mongoose, a peacock with its plumage carrying clarified butter, a man with gray expanded, girls singing songs, band-players moustaches, a man having no hair on his chest, and a washernian carrying washed clothes are a cat-eyed man, a person carrying flour, a all considered to be good omens, if one comes Brahman without the sacred mark on his foreacross them while going out on business, head are all bad omens 13
• The School Master of Ganod.
• The School Master of Vanod. 3 The School Master of Dbàok.
4 The School Master of Kotda Sangani. 5 The School Master of Ganod.
• The School Master of Vanód. 1 The School Master of Dadvi.
& The School Master of Bhayavadar, • The School Master of Songadh,
10 The School Master of Dbánk, 1 Tb: School Master of Kotda Sangani.
11 The School Master of Ganod. The sight of a corpse is a good omen when one sees it on entering a village where he goes on basiness.
13 The School Master of Vanod.