An amulet made of a piece of cloth is called who go to the burning ground to propitiate or dhaga. It is either a piece of cloth used subjugate evil spirits, seat themselves in such by a holy man, a piece of cloth containing a circles while reciting mantras.10 mixture of red lead and oil offered to the god After entering the circle, some people recite Hanuman 2 or a piece of cloth in which are the name of Hanuman, Chandi or Bhairav. 11 wrapped up the things put into an amulet.! Some people, after seating theinselves in The dhàga is either worn round the wrist or the circle, make offerings to the evil spirits, suspended from the neck,
while reciting mantras, to propitiate them Amulets tied to the horns of pet animals more easily. The Kali chaudas or the foursuch as cows, bullocks, horses, etc., are called teenth day of the dark half of Ashvin is damanàs. Sometimes they are also suspended considered a suitable day for propitiating or from the necks of these animals. They are subjugating evil spirits,12 made of the hides of sacred animals and are There are various superstitious beliefs believed to protect the animals against the evil entertained by people regarding omens. eye, evil spirits and magic..
1. If when leaving the house on a visit or It is believed by some people that one can with some definite object in view, a deer escape injury from an evil spirit by seat- crosses one's path from right to left, it is ing oneself in a circle or square drawn in and considered a bad omen, while crossing from plastered with cowdung,"
left to right is considered good. On returning Others hold that the circle must be drawn home, this one is read in the reverse way to with the point of a sword.5
that just stated.13 Some maintain that the circle cannot be a 2. When starting on a journey, the brayprotective unless it is drawn with enchanteding of an ass on the right is a good omen and water, milk or sesanium oil.
on the left, evil.14 There are others who are of opinion that 3. If on leaving the house, a man meets an the entry of evil spirits into tbe circle can be unwidowed woman or a virgin with a jar filled prevented only by calling upon God not to with water on her head, it is an indication that allow the evil spirits to enter it.
the object of the expedition will be acconWhen an evil spirit is expelled from the plished.15 body of a person, it is buried underground, a 4. While starting on a good errand, if one circle of water is made round the spot and an breathes through the left nostril or comes iron nail is driven into the ground, in order across a person carrying a basket of eggs, it is that it may be imprisoned there.
a good oinen. If anybody step into such a circle, the evil 1 5. If at the time of leaving for a visit to spirit confined therein takes possession of him, another town or village, the position of the and is thus freed.
moon in the circle explaining the position of To prevent this, evil spirits are generally stars with reference to one's birth-day stars, confined in secluded spots,
be in the rear or on the left of that position, As the circle drawn by the point of a sword it is a bad omen, but if it be in the front is a protection against an evil spirit, those or on the right it is a good onen.
Mr. K. D. Desai.
The Pathashala Shastri, Jetpur. 3 The Girl School-Mistress, Gondal.
• Mr. K. D. Desài. 5 The School Master of Dhànk.
6 The School Master of Kotda Sangani. 7 The School Master of Dadvi.
The School Master of Todia. The School Master of Dadvt.
30 The Schoal Master of Ganod. 11 The School Master of Chok.
11 The School Master of Zinzuvada. 13 The School Master of Dhank,
1 The School Masters of Dadvi and Dhank. 15 The School Master of Dhànk.