The sight of the husk of corn, a man with The numbers. 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, and a inedicinal application, or a lunatic, is a bad 21. are believed to be lucky while 3, 4, 8 and omen.
12 are considered unlucky, 10 The question "kiàn jào chho" that is! A belief exists that if a company of three " Where are you going " is a bad omen. start on a mission, the mission is sure to fail.
The mixture of whey, nied and cow-dung. This has given.rise to the proverb“ Tran trikat a recluse with matted hair, a nian spitting, a ane maha vikat " that is, "Three persons going cough, and a man with the whole of his head on an errand meet with great difficulties or shaved are bad omens 3
danger,"11 Similarly, the sight of a drunkard, Adad A zero is believed to be inauspicious. or cotton seeds is a bad omen,
In monetary transactions or bargains, there A bride stumbling on her entry into the fore, all numbers ending in a zero are avoided, bridegroom's house is said to be a bad omen." If such numbers are unavoidable, the sign
A dog scratching its left side with his paws, of is placed before thém.. The number. 12 a man riding a he-buffalo or a donkey, two is considered unlucky, to avoid which 114 is Baniàs, one Musalman, one male goat, one ox. used in its place. 12 five she-buffaloes, sis dogs, three cows, or Some people believe that the numbers 14, seven horses, confronting a man on starting 5, 7, 21, 108 and 1,008 are lucky while 12 is from the house are ominous of evil.
unlucky. 18 Some numbers are believed to be auspicious It is a belief that in the sales of cattle and and some inauspicious. There is a book on certain other things if the price is raised by this subject, in which some good or evil is 14, it results in good both to the seller and attributed to each number. One who wants to buyer." know the result of the undertaking in hand it is for this reason that in subscribing to puts his finger on any nun ber in the book, charitable funds people write 401 instead of and the expounder of the science, reading the 400 and so on. But it is preferred to 1 in passage bearing on the number, explains how valuing things: So in all purchases and the undertaking will end.?
sales it is added to the actual price of a The numbers, 12, 18, 56 and 58 are consi- thing.15 dered ina uspicious.
The numbers 5 and 7 are believed to be An odd number is generally believed to be auspicious, because on starting on a journey inauspicious. It is for this reason that newly from the house one is given five betelmuts as married girls are not sent to their husbands A sign of good omen, while in all auspicious house for the first time in any of the odd ceremonies seven betelnuts are tised." years of their age. They are also not sent certain days of the week are considered back to their parents' house in an odd year lucky while others are considered unlucky of their age for the same reason,
It is also believed that certain days are
• The School Master of Dadvi. 3 The School Master of Bhayavadar. • The School Master of Todia.
The School Master of Dbank. • The School Master of Vapod. 1 Mr. K. D. Desai. 1 The School Master of Limbli. 1 The School Master of Todia.
* Mr. K. D. Desai.
The School Master of Limbdi. 6 The School Master of Songadh
The School Master of Ganod. 10 The School Master of Dadvi. 12 The School Master of Mota Devalia. 14 Mr. K. D. Desai. 16 The School Master of Todia.