[FEBRUARY, 1909.
Gillâ jâņi Dhartâ, chori dele jabâbo. Phali karlâ pholğů, phůle karle árů, BangA kâțin råkba Båste, Dharte da
dårà ;
Inon bâto rf karni,72 râk heo Raņa ghâî : 295 Bângâ kâțâ Båsûe, Râņa bharle shaf.79
Gilla or perchauce Dharta will give him
& proper answer. The flowers will be blooming and peaches be
in blossom, It was wrong that Dbarta's pommegranate
tree should have been cat down by Basu.' The Rank made enquiry into the dispute
between Gilla and Dharti : 295 (He decided :) that Bâsü had done
a wrong. In the court-yard at Jungâ they made a
shrewd resolve. The diwan was summoned from Pujyali
village, In the court-yard at Jungâ the gol was
consulted, (And the divdn replied :) .Gilla, what were
you doing to Dharta? 300 You had taken axe in hand to kill Dharti.
Jungo re rango dt, mat lai kamai,
Diwan jāņi Pújsálf ra, lowâ bû-lai;
Jungo ro rauņo da, deo rákhâ gharew1.74
Gille Dharteo, ka kari lowl tlua tu 275
300 Dhartera gångrå,76 kundo mûle lowe
thả tú, Ajo dá porká77 Gillea, karņi nahiú mâņo;
Ekse78 rasoie khyâ we pâyî khâņo : Deshů åyå bairi, ebe cbáli laņo.79
Mhâre bole nî dewandi,40 dingûlf rf mâro,
303 Kåre manjhe dûbe, mhâre dângrû tarro ; 81
Gillea Chhibrea, pare nâ phârâ :92 Kût chori ro dhâno ri, sawan kira kära.83 Nathde bhagde Raņeâ, parni-on boro,
Henceforth, 0 Gilla, bear not enmity to
wards him, Both of you have eaten food at one table. The enemy has come to Deshû, thither
must you go.' • We cannot,' they replied, ' fight the enemy
with sticks, 805 Our axes and swords have been taken away
for the land-revenue.' (The Raņa said :) Gilla and Chhibar, I will remit you the rice revenue for a year (Gillâ answered :)-'0 Riņi, if we run
away there will be delay.' (Said the Raņa:) Ghentâ the saint lives
near the ridge.' 310 (Gillå replied :) We will summon the
saint, O Raņi.' (Said the Rânâ :) Do, Gillâ and Chhib
ar, as seems best to you.' They answered that they would send for the
saint and keep him below the tank.
Sadhů châra Ghenta, 6 dhâro re sero;
310 Sadhu da, Raņeâ, lânde talw&terå.
Karai Gilleâ Chhibrea, túshe apņa gon.
Talman sådhů dá londâ, rakht demain bon;97
11 Banga kati: has been cut away.
13 Inon bato ri karnt: of these thing's doings. 15 Bharle shaf: the R&på will give evidence.
** Deo rakh gharewi : the deity was moved to ask. T6 Ka kart lowd that&: what wort thou doing? T6 pangra: an are; kundo male lows thd 18: thou wortoarrying under thy arm pit. 11 Ajo da porkt: from this date.
"S Ekso : in one; khjawa paya khano: are fed on meal. T9 Ebe chart lano : now should we go.
** Deuxandi: oannot be given. 81 Kare manjhe dabe, whare dangra tardro : our axes and swords have beon swallowed up (lit, plunged) in the revenue
" Paro na pharac do not make pretende (idiom). [The Chhibar is Dharta). # Kat chorro dhano rf: having remitted the revenge on rice; sawal kiya Aare: the revenue has been made up. "Parnf-on bero : there will be delay : (.e. there will be po time to escape. Chard: fed or grazed. * Gon: pleasure, or one's own way.
# Rakhi deman: I will keep.