(AUGUST, 1909. CJULY, 1909.
शल्यच वाद तत्वाटा 6 in Malayalan remains in all cases where I 15 found in Tamil.
42. (When Karna was appointed general of Erald hafa f engirl-and Canare e preserve !. tha Kaufenysoftnd isted forlyBuļu duarta en Telagu. Sometimes (1) his bharip tet), Kualadtandlinbelled
ing to Karma's alleged low birth), -Thy We shall give here a few examples where in forestierigging - Arrows. If I am to
be thy charioteer, hard is it to be mild in giļi and gini parrot'.
speech. Forsooth, * new army leaderaļile and anile.
ship is this, and very eminent. (The
concluding proverb will not bear translakola and kona.
tion. A decent parallel is nayd jogi aur
gdjar kd sankh," jogi so new that he ma!al and manal.
has only Carrot for his concb-shell.") t Kannada Grammar, p. 190, 48.2 Llopiem in battle and pride of splendour माने बोलण्यास।
abounded in Droņa and his fellows, but it भीमेपासबहावासः
was in Bhishms that there was love and w T E WETU - The Front Consonants (snd gihadfore he was the first
commander of the Kauravas). "Govar(1) These consonants and g' along with those dhnine.IDdemiorthenabinitan kaidd of Jedved by front vowels, underwent many changes in the differe{CED bind abhiimg alipid de God is the
God of all the world. According to the W!' (initial) 7 (vulgar 8) in Tamil.
dictionaries, the aorist of the root pyai sis, in Malayalam.
occurs only in the Aitarêya Aranyaka). को मे स्वादिस्यॉपष्टो राज्ञा संबहम्
When Bhishma was asked at the future for
parese. Asvamedha who was to be honoured first तचापष्टयः प्रोचे मंत्म्मोहम् .
of all, he lovingly replied, -Without Ta Pare a ward an er vel doubt Krishņa is to be worshipped. But ts, is and s in Teluga; and d 3 in a re gogh not asked, Sisupala objected
that that was not his opinion. "Who (2) In Tamil 5 is the standard pronunciation ; daked isothgoue eniging the makeskford the vulgar. It is also the pronunciation of the Madras dia buyself:81 say' is sol.
T: asteenutaifa na 45. Sekuni, the king of Gandhara addressed radicaramelow a pocomes is. all (the Kauravas). -Am I not worthy
of being elected general, that you have ndichtbite The White L
not counted fe in the battle of hepoes ? ULAS Philliquids. S is the most common and there are only a few words with d 3.
for 11 Y I
Consider ye me'ns hero, for I and the
uncle of the king, ye charioteers. "I (5) In Tuļu ts ' is very common : but : bom the bride's AAP: theta Basand mentchange and the neighbouring voiced consonants and liqogand mpuis, constantly changes into t, 80 that
luble forms in Tuļu, words with and bilghetWidatas were distracted (with द्वारावस्वामिदग्भूत्वा।
other things), Arjuna, in the guise of wute ftugu k' before back vowels regalarly be p robtidan nafricate of albisker frontoiawels lawyere At mind that twice fonsonants and liqui verkthrough thonin ren thingcontothenge becomes s.
of sight, it becomes the property of my waffle That Canarese and Tuļu show a greater topding terdeka Telugp.is, ghoyn by the
worldly desire. Lift op thine arms to. fa i barese and Tulu have even when Tough the Wgy murder than fouthsonient and Pasi tar 1 Y 1
of all resign thou all this false (dream
of the world). "Take not one, when (b) Canarese and Tuļu have : where Teluga knod Skibetere we celera Soneranbiet thog
gettest the worth of thine actions).