[MAY, 1909.
20 गत्वा स कांचीमथ यादवोपि रामानुज प्रीत '. 20 Yadavn having then returned to Kanchi,
feigned great love to Ramanuja, while तदारितन्मानसशोधनेचुवैपान्तवाक्यार्थ
inwardly hating him. Thenceforward he विचारकोऽभूत् ॥
began expounding the texts of the Vedanta with a view to testing the attitude of
mind of Rimanuja. 21 कप्यास धम्मस्य वरत्यपार्थ तस्मिस्तदभ्य 21 While Yadava was once giving a wrong अकृतः कदाचित्।
interpretation of the expression "Kapyaरामानुजस्वाश्रुतदूरुवाहि दृष्ट्वाशु सोप्युन्मुख
Ban" (in a passage referring to Vishnu) __ सम्भ्रमोऽभूत् ॥
he looked up with surprise at Ramanuja, who, then in the service of anointing his master, shed hot tears which burnt through
Yadava's thigh, 22 इदं किमित्युक्तवतेऽय तस्मै कप्यास .. 22 Giving the correct rendering of the expresवाक्यस्य यथार्यमुक्खा।
sion to Yadava who was enquiring what it जैमिन्युपाख्यानमपिब्रुवन्तं रामानुज नागप
was that Ramanuja was sbedding such ठेत्यवोचत् ॥
hot tears for, Ramanuja gave out the story of Jaiminir in illustration. Yidava then told Ramanuja: "Come no more
here for learning." 28 ततः समालोच्यं सहान्तरङ्गः प्रलोभ्य
23 After this the evil-minded Yadava, consult. __रामानुनमप्युपायैः।
ing his more intimate disciples, deceiving सजाह्नवीस्नाननिमित्तयात्राध्याजेन हन्तुं
Ramanuja by stratagem, started on a
pilgrimage to the Ganges, with view कुमतिःप्रसस्ये॥
putting an end to Ramanuja. 24 गोविन्दभवृश्च सतः स्वमातृष्वमा मधील:
24 Ramanuja's mother's sister's son, goodसहपाठिमित्रम् ।
natured Govindabhatta informed bis मध्येवनं प्रोच्य स दुष्टचिन्तां रामानुजाय ।
fellow.disciple and friend Ramanuja, in
the depth of the forest, of this evil intent स्वयमन्वगात्तान् ।।
on the part of his companions and went
his way along with them. 25 महाटवीमध्यगतः स रात्री रामानुजोड 25 Having reached the middle of the forest, चिन्तवाचताः।
Riminuja in mental agony, fixed, one देव्या महत्वासह भासमानं दीनानवन्तं
night, his thoughts on Varada, ever परदं चरण्वं ॥
shining in company with Mahadevi, pro
tector of the humble, the refuge of all. 26 किरातरूपी वरदोऽय देष्या गच्छेम रामा
26 Varada, assuming, with Mahadevi, the नुश साधु काम्चीम् ।
form of a Kirâta (hunter) pair, said: .. इत्यमगार्मा प्रियया स पीत्वा तालकूपो
"Well, Ramanuja, we shall go to एकमन्तरासीत् ।।
Kanchi." Leading Rimiinuja, he disappeared with Mahadevi, having drunk the waters which Raminuja brought, up
from a well.
27 In the morning following, seeing close at 27 दृष्ट्वा प्रभातेऽय स पुण्यकोटिविमानमत्व
hand the Panya Koti Vimins (the tower पीतोदकं तं वरदं विचिन्त्व रामानुजायों
of the sanctum at Kanchi), Ramanuja was प्यतिविस्मितोऽभुत ॥
struck with wonder, thinking, as he was, of Varnds that had so recently quenched bis
thirst with the water Ramanujs gave him. Obandokya Upanishad, 1, 6, 71. 1 Roterring to the sceptance of Jamind's interpretations Vyks in the Brahmastra.
• The wife of the hunter wanted some water to allay her thirst. B Aminojn got down and fetched her some water from a well by the road-side. The well is yet pointed out on the outskirts of Kanchi. It is from this well that Ramannja need to bring water for temple service as stated above.