MAY, 1909.]
28 सन्ध्यामुपास्यान्तिकसन्तटाके संसेव्य देव वरदं च हृष्टः ।
निष्यं तदङ्गीकृतकूपतीर्यैः रामानुजार्थ
स्तमतोपयच्च ॥
29 गङ्गतायामुनमन्त्रवश्यो गोविन्दभहः
स्वकरस्यलिङ्गः। स्वमाममागम्य च काळ हस्तिन्यवास्त तत्स्थानविचारकस्सन् ||
80 कादयामथागम्य स यादवोऽपि रामानुजं वीक्ष्य नागमं च ॥ श्रुत्वा तमाहूय विलोभयानः ततः स्वशिष्यैः
समपाठयच 1
31 विरुद्धमर्थन्तु कदाचिदुक्तं सदेवसोमदमिति ॥ अशियत्सङ्गतमर्थमुकरा रामामार्योऽय
समस्यजत्सः ।
मणिश्रीः ॥
32 व्यक्तस्तदा यादव मर्कटेन रामानुजाय यः करीशस्य हरेरभूदित्याकर्ण्य दृष्टः स च यामुनार्यः ।
33 रामानुजार्यानयनाय सोऽपि शिष्यं महापूर्णमथा विदेश ।। गत्वाथकाचीं सच तोषयित्वा तं स्तोत्ररत्नेन तुतोष भूयः ।
84 रामानुजायपि स यामुनायें संसेवितुं पुष्यित् । प्राज्यं महापूर्णतः कवेरकन्यास सूरि
85 रङ्गे·शमुख्याअवि
गणं ददर्श ॥ सूयस्तो दृष्ड्डा महार्णवाय तस्मे । रामानुजायार्य निवेद्य शान्ताः श्रीयामुना[] ॥
28 Ramanuja, well pleased with all that bad happened, performed his morning prayers at the tank near at hand and worshipped both Mahadevi and Varada. He pleased both the God and his Consort by a daily service of water from the well, which seemed so acceptable to them both.
29 Govindabhatta, under the infinence of Yamuna's spell, with a phallic linga in the palm of his hand, having returned to his native village from the banks of the Ganges, lived in Kalahasti, as templemanager.
30 Having, then, returned to Kanchi, Yadava, saw Ramanuja and heard how he had managed to return. Inviting him again to his school he taught Râmânuja along with his other disciples with a view to circumventing him again..
31 On a particular occasion while Yadava interpreted wrongly the Vedic text beginning "Sadeva, etc". Râmânuja explained the passages correctly by giving the true interpretation. Yadava then dismissed Râmânnja from his school finally.
32 Having heard that Râmânuja, a jewel of wonderful lustre, had been cast out of his school by the monkey of a man, Yadava, Yamunarya felt delighted that Ramanuja lived yet quite worthy of the affection (fit for adorning the chest of) of the God Vishnu of Kanchi (Kariśa). 33 This Yamunarya ordered his disciple Mabáparns (Perianambi in Tamil) to fetch Ramanuja. Having gone to Kanchi he delighted Râmânuja with a recital of (Yamuna's) Stotra-ratna and himself rejoiced (at the impression it made upon Râmânuja).
34 As Râmânuja in company with Mahâpûrṇa
was about entering Srizangam, he found, on the banks of the Kaveri, a large crowd of the 'God's chosen.'
35 Rangéss and the other elect having seen the pair (Ramanuja and Mahapurus) felt consoled when they pointed out to them the folded fingers of Yamuna.
• Chandbikya Upanishad, VI, 2, 1.