NOVEMBER, 1908.)
( Concluded from p. 298.) TN January 1673 there was much correspondence about the obstructions met with in sendiag off
1 the saltpetre. The iniquities of the “Poeter men" and the connivance of the governor were the chief subjects of complaint. Tho want of appreciation of his efforts still rankled with Salisbury and resulted in his outbursts of the 14th and 15th January. On the 20th be apologised for his hasty worls and resumed his usual humble attitude. The Masalipatain Council graciously accepted the apology and added a gentle admonition.
Extract fror" Metchlepatam General to the Fort. Mr. Salasbary hath found many obstructions in this Imploy for the provision of Peeter. Hee gives us hopes to expect five hundred Candys. When it will arrive is anoertaine, haveing received none from him since the coppy of this now sent, though wee have writt severall to him and advised of the shipps arriveall and the prejudice that may insure (sic) to the Honble. Company by their detention. 2 January, 1672-3.” 1
"Mr Richard Mohun Etca. Freinds, I now send you two boates of Peeter with what Dungarees arrived, which my Servant had sent you many daies since, had not your difference with your Governoar prevented, wbich am glad to hear composed. I received 3 boates of my owne for this Occasion, and the Governour hath in ray absence sent one of them to Meteblepatani. In my Judgment it wonld bee more convenient and less chargeable to laid the Peeter in this Bay. To send it to you will bee teadious and much more charge. The Peeter bad bin with you long since had not the Peeter men obstructed, but now the Os people being retarned, it will bee I suppose 10 dsyes before all will arrive, about which time, if a Ship arrive here, all haat possible shall bee made in it. If you pleas to detayze the Ship for your occasions, shall advise when the Peeter is arrived and ready. I romaine Your assured friend, AMBROS SALUBBURY.
Pettepolee, January 8th, 1672-3."
S4 Mr Richard Mohun Etea. Councell, My last acquainted you 600 baggs of Peeter with 779 Patch of Dungarees sent on two boates, have enordered to board the first English Shipp, therefore, you may please to order the Shipp that is to receive them. I am now sending 580 baggy of Peeter, which is all at present arrived, hope the remainder with your Dungarees will speedily be here having sent genverall to hasten. Had not the Peeter mga Obstracted, you would have had timely Complyance. My Endeavors I hoped woald have found better Success. Soe soon as other Peeter ariveth, shall immediately advise you and hasten it all that I am able. I remain, Your Freind, AMBROSE SALC8BURY."
Pettipolee, January the 10th 1672-8."
"Mr Ambrose Salusbury, Yours of the 10th. Current have received and are very sorry to heare you meete with such obstructions in your Businesse, however canne seeke noe Remedy. The Shipps Being all dispatched and under saile this morning, therefore desire you will please to hire what Boats may Be sufficient, and send away the Peter you have in readinesse to the Fort with all Expedition possible. Your two boats we heare are arrived to New [ ? Diu ] Point, where we have ordered the shipps to take in the Peter. M. MAINWARING ; Geo. CHAMBERLAINE.
Metchelepatam, 14th January 1672-3." Puctory Records, Marulipatam, VOL 6.
Factory Records, Manilipatam, Vol. 9. • Pactory Records, Kanilipatam, Vol. 9.
• Factory Records, Manilipatam, Vol. 6.