[NOVEMBER, 1908.
Mr Richard Mohun Eloa. Councell, Esteemed freinds, I have sent you on fowre boetes 1050 bags of Poeter and dayly expect Peeter to make up three hundred Candy, which is all will arrive for this occasion. I writt you for fifty pago. for Charges but since a Peon brought mee 24 pagos. which I s3nt for Peeter. I find you are angry. If not, you would give some friendly answer to the many Letters writt you. In my Judgment it appeared something unfreindly that after I have past Boe much danger and Tronble and endeavored my utmost in the Peeter; to meet with such acceptance will discourage mee for the future from being the least concerned in Salt Peeter. Had you sent the
I desired of you I am very confident I had prevented obstructions the Peeter men have made, but you writt the fifty Peons not able to resist the smallest Towne, but it was your misapprehension, for I well know many of those townes will, upon a Just occasion, oppose 1000 of the best men you can procure, but very few [of] them wilt Engage in a quarrell for the Peeter men, who are known Rogues all the country over. They have spent 100 pagos. in Peons and broiles and now fall out and quarell with themselfes about each present proportion. If you speedily procure Mahmud Mynns [Muhammad Amin ) Letter to the Governour of Cundeveare to deliver up the Peeter men who have thus abused the Company may freely imploy whom they please, and the Bawpacorrell Nawges [bānagar Naik's ] shall not oppose or obstruct. When the Letter arriveth if you please to send mee 40 of your Bundarees [ banjāras, carriers ], I will make a Journey for the Peeter remaining in severall places. If you shall not speedily procure the above Letter and send mee the help of your Servants, I doe herby declare what dammaga the Honoble. Company shall sustaine will bee required at your hands and not from Your assured Freind, AMBROBE SALUSBURY.
Pettipole, January 14th, 1672-3.".
"Mr Richard Mohun Etra. Councell, Esteemed Freinds, This morning I received the Inclosed receipt for 600 baggs of Peeter and the Boatmen inform'd mee the Ships were under Saile, 450 baggs advised you sent on two boates. I thought it would have bin noe way prejadiciall to the Honble. Company for a Ship to have taken the Peater on bord in the Rode, but you have not thought fitting to give any kinde of answer to any of the Letters have writt you since my returne. I advised you the Peeter remaining at seaverall places, and sent you a Letter of the Chief Peeter man, who said the King should detaine [it] for the Kings use. It will bee a great dishonour and loss to the Honble. Company to have the Peeter and Cloth remaine where it now is, which leave to your Consideration. However you are displeased with mee, I assure you my Endeavors have not bin wanting, and had not the Peeter men obstructed, I should have complied with time, but sinne my trouble and paine to noe effect I presume I shall bee esteemed an unprofitable Servant, therefore shall speedily discharge the Honble. Company of the expenses I am now att for servants, and soe soon as I have received the accounts shall send them you. The Honble. Company have lost considerable Summs by this Peeter business, and if the same persons employed, the loss will be greater, for they take protection and will never comply with Contract, therefore desire to be noe more concerned in itt. The Peeter Brammoney hath bin the occasion of these obstructions. I am now sending your Gunneys to the Fort. I remaine, Your Assured Freind, AMBROSE SALUS BURY.?
Pettipolee, January 15th, 1672-8."
[Enclosed in the letter of the 15th January, 1672-8 ]. "Herein send you the Peeter mens Engagement given at my comeing away to pass the Peeter, but soe soon as I was come away they againe put Chop ou the Peeter and abused my Servants. The Cheif of [the] Peeter men received 500 pagos. old of Mr Johnson or 1000 pagos, old, and
. The bānagars are people who have the right to make fireworks for temples and nobles, and would want "peeter." • Factory Records, Masulipatam, Vol. 9.
Factory Records, Marulipatam, Vol. 9.