OCTOBER, 1908.]
Sat din hoe bâich de, kot náow rashf dê na
dya. Malipürore gwaltue råkhi arjo li :
80. "Je ndiw dharat deđá R&je rá, to h&mo kya
dei 754 Khesa dei nikra, hor båg& def bagoga:
Behin de lát det kangaņu, kanos de pal det
darota. “Lana Mohîpârore Rajo ra naaw råkhá
Mohi Parkash." Khera ditt& nikra, bâge ditta bagotu :
Seven days they spent in divination, but
found no auspicious name for him. Then the cowherds of Mobipur begged
(that they might select a name saying):80 "If we solemnly chose a name for the Raja,
what shall we get?" (They were told) they would get a village in
free-grant and also a robe of honour, And their arms would be loaded with silver
bracelets and their ears with gold earrings. (So they answered): "The name of the Râjâ
of Muhtpúr must be Mobt Park&sh," And in return they got their village free of
revenue and their robes of honour, 85 And their arms were loaded with silver
bracelets and their ears with gold earrings.
85 Binta de 141 ditte, kingņu, kano de darota.
" Pahino chikro k&pre, hor pahino sanjok.
Âj hukam R&je re, Bichro khe hod."
Dera ky& R&je rå Bichro re båge:
( Then came the order) :"Servants, don your clothes as well as
your armour. The Raja's order to-day is to march to
Bicbar."65 The Kaji's camp reached the garden at
Bichap, And in the market-place of Bichar his tent
Was pitched. 90 Geja, the banid, was fined one thousand
seven hundred rupees : He hold the free market of the Deshu-dhar
(the ridge above Phégu).
Têmbû pare R&je re Bichro re bajêre.
90 Geja danase.båņił s&t sau bazéro,
Jine 181 karne Desbu-dharo rf bah&ro;
" B&idhob? chákro bagohe, pabino sanjol:
Âj hukam Raje ra, Karg&ņu rå hol."
Derd Ay& Ræje rKargând of serf;
95 Karg&ņu rf seri de chhert Ráje rt ghort;
Ghose chhere R&je re, aro mâţi ritumin:
"Servants, pack your baggage, and don
your armour, For to-day the Raja's order is to march
to Kargåņu."58 So the Raja's camp reached the Karg&ņû
plain, 95 And on the plain of Kargând the Raja's
horses were exercised, And by exercising the Raja's horges the dust
was made to fly, And the people of (pargand) Ayeh came to
offer greeting to the Raja. There the Raja seated himself in his tent
and bade them Bring a sheet of paper, & pen and ink.
R&je &ye bhet de, Ayelu re kunin. RAJA baithi ruke tâmbu dâ, tabe hukmon
karo :59 "Kore &ņoi kågto, hor kalam dawato.
# To haono ky & dof: then what will be given to us?
* Bichar: also in Sirmår. 14 Daudd : was fined.
67 Bandho, imperative o bandhna: to bind or fold op. * Kargad : a large village in Sirmdr on the bank of the Giri river, # Baithe rud : is sitting. T'abe hukmo karo : then giros ordori.
Anon, imperative of anti: to bring.