[OCTOBER, 1908.
55 Likhtro kagat loe Gülero khe půjde. 55 He wrote a letter to the R&j& of Guler and
sent it to him. Raja shadau Galeriâ, ki Amed paharo khe He asked the Raja of Guler to march with ját.
them into the hills. Säri pari Sirmir Raje ri duhút ;
Throughout all Sirmûr went the Kaja's
order Jåyå beta Sirmûrid, råkbâ mâmle khe bulki: That the young men of Sirmûr should come
(to NÅhan) and pay their dues. Ráją porchb& Güleri& Nahiņt re satâne.
The Raja of Goler also came and reached
the palace at Nában. 60 Jay& beta Sirmûrig, sab måınla khe &ya; 60 All the youth of Sirmûr came, bringing in
the revenue, Chhes pouchhi Raje ri Nahiņt re chaugane. And the Raja's levies reached the polo
ground at Naban. TL&r& khari bhari dûrû ri, ţero golt re pipe. Eighteen kh&ris of powder were packed and
thirteen barrels of ball. Nahiņi re changâno da tamako baja.
On the polo-ground at Náhan the kettle
drum resounded, Charigo&46 Keonthalo khe narpati Råja. Thus marched the warlike Rajâ against
Keontbal: 65 Âge barde7 Raje re neje re nishan:
65 Foremost went the spearmen, with flngs
on their spears : Tino de pâchhe barde kanchant de jhapan : After them came the harlots' litters : Pachhe hardt R&je rt ghore ri shawart :
After them the Raja's horsemen: Ghore då plichhe chåll h&thi ri ambart.
And after them the elephants with their
howdas. Nahiņi re chaugâuo di bafilis karnálo.
On the polo-ground at Nában resounded
the karnál.40 70 Chashi fauj Rajefhof dhauli dhåro. 70 As the army climbed the hills, every ridge
grow wbite (with the uniforms). Der& &y& Ráje r& Gújro re g&iwen.
The Raja's camp reached Gdjaro village
(and his order came):"Båmobi châkro k&pre, pahnon sanjo. * Servants, don your clothes as well as
your armour. Aje hukam Raje rå, Mohfpür-o khe hol." To-day the Raja's order is to march to
Mobipur." 53 Dera ay& Raje A Mohipůro ri sheri,
The Raje's camp reached Mobfpur field, 75 Mobipůro ri shert at mat lal kamdi :- 75 And there at the field of Mobfpur they
resolved Nawa Rajâ hod Nahiņi, naiw len& dbardi. That as a now Râjâ had been crowned at
Nahan, his name should be solemnly
chosen. Pashe &ņe panţit, råkha dhurpat p&e.
So learned pandits came and made their
calculations. Bhada, past tens: 'Balled or invited. From sh dulapu: to call. 16. Chart-god, past tense' invaded.' 11 Barde, past Sense of bariyl: to proceed ( in the ploral). + BAHU, present of bujaw , to sound; in the feminine :' are sounded.' * A hill musical instrument made of braus.
The village of Gujar is in Sirmdr territory. 61 Bamo, imperative of bams: to wear or put on. - Pahn, imperative of pahnaná: to wear or put on.
- Mobfpur, also in Sirmar. Not only did the new R&& assume the suffix 'Park Wah,' which distinguishes the Raja of Sirmor, but he also took a new name selected in a auspicious manner. For the suffix Parkdal, see ante, Vol. xxiv., p. 271