________________ 354 INDEX. .... ... witch-trials, a note on ........ ....... 301 f. yoomdau = yongdo .............. ............... 260 Yadavas of Devagiri, date in Saka Era, voom suongdo 259 f. 147:- of Seuna, date in Saka Era ......... 147 yoongdau = yongdo ......... ...... 259 Yaksna-tadige ............. .......... 330 'young.cocoanut-drink' distance ............ 273 ' year,' terms for, among the Western ywe = abrus prccatorius and adenanthera Kshatrapas, 153:= frequently varsha in pavonina ............................................. 314 Saka Dates, 153: - division of the, by ywe = ava, 328 : - great, = adenanthera monsoons, in the Nicolars, 269 f.; half., pavonina seed, 320; small, = abrus precareckoning by, in the Nicobars, 269 ff. : torius seed .............. .............. 320, 327 names for the Saka, noted .................. 330 ff. ywegre = abras precatorius .................... 314 yogas in Inscriptions : ywifi = adenanthera pavonina seed ...... 314, 327 Harshana .................... yvetni, or standard, silver ..................... 202 f. Sukurman ... Johnhap = gomgdo .............. yong = gongdo ............ goda = gong do ...... Dongdo, history of the word, 958 f:- the | saga = saga... ....................................... 316 object of giving the derivatives of the zicche = sitke................ Burmese word, : final 1 present in songzi = abrus precatorius seed.................. derivatives of ...... ....... 245 | Zoting, au earth-spirit................................ 293 ...... 259 257 316